April 18, 2009

I'm Annoying Myself

Yeah. That's right. I'm annoying my damn self.

You see ever since Master and I started talking about moving when my job moves, I've been excited about it. And when I get excited about a certain subject I start thinking about it. A lot.

I've been thinking about time frames. Like, how far in advance should we move? When should we look at apartments? How much money should we save up to move? Etc and so on.

Then I start wondering about what is going to go wrong. :-| This is the part that sucks. I wonder if we won't be able to find an apartment we like. Or we do find one, but they won't allow our dog. You know, basically what can go wrong with the whole thing. And that is when I start to annoy myself.

I also try not to annoy Master with all these thoughts. Why? Because He's one of those people that takes things as they come. Mean while I am the type of person that tries to think about a year in advance. Bah. That does not mesh well all the time. Because I'll want to talk about the moving and He'll be like, "Baby, it's a ways off. Chill."

And so I attempt to chill. But He does agree that we have to start saving up for it. You know, the security deposit, first month's rent, pet deposit, u-haul.. etc.

Someone asked me why I would move for the job, since there is no guarantee that I'll keep this job. Well, that's simple. We've been wanting to move anyway and there are jobs that I'm sure I could find out there as well.

Enough about that for now.

Yesterday was a bit crazy.

We both went to work and Master did not have a good day at work. He picked me up from work and vented on the way home. From there Master took His shower and sent me on a few errands. After that we went down to my dad's house.

I don't know what it is about that place, but whenever we go down there, we end up staying longer than we realized.We had a good time though. Master and my father get along really well. You would think they were buddies rather than father-in-law and son-in-law.

So we stayed down there until almost 10:30pm. On the way home we went to a resturant and had a really late dinner. When we got home we watched a movie, which I ended up falling asleep during. Not because it was a bad movie, but because I was exhausted.

So we went to bed and passed the hell out.

Today Master was awake before I was, although I didn't exactly sleep in late either. At least it was later than 6:30am. So that works.

What are we doing today? I have no clue. It's been a lazy morning, which isn't a bad thing. I'm sure we'll figure something out to entertain ourselves though.

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