April 16, 2009

Another Long Day

Master and I ended up passing out shortly after going to bed last night. At least I slept the entire night for a change.

Today we both got up and got ready for work at the same time. B picked me up and took me to work. We ended up getting there really early, by like a half hour, because B had picked me up a bit earlier than usual. Why? I have no idea. So I just had another cig before heading into work.

I was really busy today, but even with that it felt like the day dragged and I really have no idea why. Normally, when I'm busy the day will fly by. Not today. It's one thing for it to drag when you don't have a lot to do. It's another thing for it to drag and for you to be very busy.

But tomorrow, since it's a Friday, should be a rather slow work load. But hopefully it'll still go by at a decent rate.

Master didn't have a chance to take a shower before picking me up from work today. So that's the first thing He did once we got home. I took care of the dog and then ordered pizza because we felt like being lazy since we both had long days. We need to go grocery shopping this weekend though.

We tried making some plans with one of our friend's but he said that next weekend would work better for him. So we shall see. At this point in time we have no idea what is going on this weekend. That's not necessarily a bad thing mind you. And tomorrow is pay day for the both of us. Yay! We are now on the exact same pay schedule. Once every two weeks, always on Fridays. So at least we both have set pay schedules now that don't fluctuate unless there is a holiday in there.

I also mailed off a request today to have the vested value of my 401k from my old job sent to me in a check. Yes, I know.. I should be thinking about retirement and all that.. but seriously.. we need the money now rather than later. Plus at the rate I was losing money in that damn thing I don't think I'll ever put my money in a 401k again. I can do basically the same thing by setting aside a little money into an intrest baring savings account and not have to worry about how the stocks are doing. I didn't sign up for a 401k at my new job. The last one I had left a bad taste I guess.

So anyway, hopefully I'll have that money soon and be able to set it aside. The representative I talked to at the bank that holds the 401k said it's processed withing 3 to 5 business days of receiving the paperwork. So I'm giving it about 2 weeks before I call them and start going, "Where the hell is my money?"

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