October 9, 2012

Time Travel

Lately, when I've been reading on Fet I come across these threads where there is a large range of where people seem to be in their relationships. Whether it's how long they have been together or how long they've been in the lifestyle. Either way I read some of the things they write and I realize that some of it reminds me of what Master and I used to be like when we were first together and started on this path of kink.

The lifestyle and the relationship honestly started pretty much at the same time. I would say that we were only together for about four or five months (if that) before we started dipping our toes into the kinky side of things. This actually surprises me looking back as neither of us had that kind of relationship before. So not only were we new to one another we were both new to the lifestyle in general.

But you know how it is, when you're first together it's that whole nothing can/will go wrong. Everything is perfect. Not true, but whatever. Thankfully Master and I have been able to get through all of the peaks and valleys. All of the sinkholes and windstorms... you get the picture.

In regards to kink we were both just kind of grabbing at straws in the beginning. We would read up on things and go, "Oh... so that's what is supposed to happen." Yeah. Supposed to. Those words just dripped off my fingertips and onto this blog. That shit just happened.

But when you're so new and you have no idea where to begin that's kind of what happens. But as time progressed we tossed all the shit that wasn't working for us or didn't make sense to us. We let it all fade away and were left with how we wanted things to be.

Eventually you get out of that whole mindset that there is some kind of guidebook. There is no guidebook and if anyone tells you differently they are dirty rotten liars. There can be things that inspire you or causes a light bulb to go off in your head but that's about it. Your kink is your kink and my kink is my kink. As long as no one is getting hurt (you know what I mean) then I'm all good with it.

It still amazes me though, to look back and see how far we've come and how much has changed over the years. I don't think about it often at all but sometimes when I'm reading something that someone else is writing I think to myself, "I remember what that was like." or "I remember when I used to think that way."

I don't know if anyone else ever comes across something like that but I find it kind of interesting when I do.

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