October 25, 2012

What's In A Name?

I had this thought running through my head. It's about tattoos. Actually, it's about a specific tattoo. Mainly placing your significant other's name on you. Many people believe that is bad luck and feel that it is a "ticking time bomb" for the relationship. Same would go for portraits, I'm assuming. But the main belief is that you should never, ever put a tattoo on your body that relates to your significant other's name.

So many people say that they have friends that did that and it wasn't long after that the relationship ended and it was bloody.

Well, lets see here. First, relationships end all the time. Secondly, a lot of relationship end ugly. In fact I would say that relationships that end on even a somewhat good note are rare. In my world they are like unicorns. I've never in my life been in a relationship that ended where there were no hard feelings and I've never seen a relationship end that way. It's always been ugly. Granted it's been varying degrees of ugly, but ugly none the less.

Why is there this belief? I don't understand it. Personally I think that it stems from the fact that people who do end up getting a significant other's name tattooed on them and then break up for whatever reason decide that is why. It's almost like blaming the tattoo. Essentially blaming your decision on what to put on your skin.

To me that is no different than saying a relationship broke up because you took the next step. Whether that step be an engagement ring, a wedding ring, a collar, or whatever other physical sign of commitment you can think of.

I do not have Master's name tattooed on me. I do not have a tattoo that literally spells out "property of". Instead I have a tattoo that matches His except for the symbols on the inside of it as those symbols are very personal and they have a purpose for being there. I have tattoos that He designed. I have tattoos that He bought me as a present. Just like He has tattoos that I bought Him. He doesn't have any that I technically designed myself because I can't draw worth a damn. But He does have a tattoo that I helped piece together. I picked out the flash and told the tattoo artist where to place them. Master of course had the final say on it but He didn't change a damn thing.

Why don't we have one another's names done? *shrugs* We don't feel the need for them. We already have our marks on one another as I explained above.

I'm not saying that if you truly love someone you have to get their name inked on your skin. But I honestly do not believe that if you do, it's immediately a curse to the relationship. Sometimes I wonder if it just scares one or both people in the relationship. It's a level of commitment and sometimes that big of a showing of commitment to someone can scare the hell out of you, or the person you are with. Also? I sometimes think that people don't think it though and get it done way, way too soon. I'm not going to even remotely state how long a relationship should be before you do such a thing but I do think that if you are with someone for three months and decide to slap their name on you, it may not be the brightest idea. Then again I think the same thing about a ring on your finger or a collar around your neck. That's just my personal belief though.


  1. Thank you!

    I recently got my Master's initials tattooed on my ankle (for our 7th anniversary)--and, while there were a lot of people that were supportive, there were so many more who told me it was 'bad luck' and would 'end our relationship'. I can't understand that logic...with all the things we've been through as a couple, over the years, I can't believe that a *tattoo* would ruin us...

    It's nice to see someone else putting the opinion out there that it won't destroy the relationship, as long as you're smart about it (for example, not doing it after three months, like you said)...

  2. *laughs* You're welcome! I'm glad that someone else sees it the same way I do!
