December 17, 2010

The Weekend At Last

Today was one hell of a long Friday, and not in a good way.

Work took forever and was quite stressful. I won't bore you all with the details. Hell even Master's eyes glaze over when I start talking about it. My job is far from fascinating, but I enjoy it.

Once I got out of work we went to the bank so I could pull out my copay for the therapy appointment tonight. From there we went to the pet's supply store and got dog food. Then we went to K-Mart and got rabbit food, soda, and allergy medication. After that, I dropped Master off at home and took off to my hour long appointment. It went well, but I really hate those late night appointments. I just got home and it's almost 9pm already. Blah.

Master is currently soaking His knee, because it's still bothering Him, and the cold weather is not helping at all.

I also had to reply to an e-mail that my brother sent me. In my last post I wrote about how my grandfather is not doing Christmas this year. Well apparently my brother, and crazy as hell uncle, thinks it's a good idea to just show up anyway. They basically want to crash his house. And they wanted me to go too.

I replied and told him that I thought it was a horrible idea. As much as it bothers me, I can now see how my grandfather would feel the need and/or desire to just not deal with it this year. He's earned that right. And for my brother and my uncle to think it's okay for them to go against his wishes and just barge right in... they're crazy. Especially if they think I'm going to be a part of it. So I told him no, that I would not be doing that and that I don't think they should either.

I mean if it were me I would be livid. Hell Master and I stayed home for Thanksgiving, we didn't go anywhere. If my brother had just showed up unannounced, I would have told him to leave and shut the door. No matter that it was a 45 minute drive. I told him I didn't want company, and I told him that it was just going to be me and my Husband. I would probably say something like, "Who do you think you are just showing up and expecting me to change my mind?"

And while Grandpa might not turn them away, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he'll be thinking.

Hopefully my e-mail will convince my brother to abandon the idea, but I doubt it. Oh well, at least I'll know I wasn't a part of it.

Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of the night with my Hubby. I could really use the down time.

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