December 9, 2010

Snow. Blah.

Well this is Wisconsin, so I know that none of us should be surprised that it was snowing today. But that doesn't mean we liked it.

It started snowing about mid day at my job, and I knew immediately that we would be late getting home. MZ, the driver in my carpool, already drives like she's a grandma, and she's younger than I am. Add snow to that mix, and well.. you get the picture.

The interstate was all sorts of fucked up thanks to people apparently forgetting how to drive in the snow every single year. Seriously. This is Wisconsin. If you don't know how to drive in the snow safely, you shouldn't be allowed to have a driver's license. That's all I'm saying.

So I got home a half hour later than usual. Part of that was because of the snow, and the other part was because MZ wouldn't take my suggestion of getting off the interstate before our usual exit ramp. She is a person who is set on routine, and she doesn't like going off the interstate before our ramp because it's not the norm. It kinda sucks.

So I get home and Master and I head right back out again. We went to the store and picked up a space heater. The heating in this apartment sucks, so we figured that we would get a space heater to help us keep warm. So far, we like it. But I'm keeping the receipt and the box just in case we have to take it back.

Master then treated me out to dinner. He had made some money doing a freelance job. It's not steady money, but it's something that He can do when they need Him, and puts some money is His pocket. So He wanted to go out to dinner with me, which I thought was really sweet of Him. And I had a great time. We haven't been able to go out to eat in quite a while, and we use to do it every Friday. It was like our date night. So I know that we both missed it.

We got home around 8pm and did some rearranging so we could put the space heater in a safe place. Then we watched The Expendables. Love that movie.

It's already almost 10:30pm and I'm not tired. I'm sore, and my back isn't liking me right now. But that's because I've been busting my ass at work, and the cold isn't helping.

Thankfully tomorrow is my half day at work, so I only have to get through four hours of work. Then it's off to my appointment with Dr. L. After that we have some errands to run and then hopefully a nice relaxing afternoon/evening with my Hubby.

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