December 29, 2010


I don't put a lot of stock in dreams, unless they don't feel like dreams. Some people will know what I'm talking about when I say that, and some won't.

I don't dream very often. Or at least, if I do I don't remember much about them. The past two nights I've had dreams, and I remember bits and pieces of each. I know that's normal for a lot of people, but for me it's really rare. And these are just dreams, they don't feel like anything else. There was no profound meaning to them. Just dreams.

Two nights ago I had a dream where I was running in a forest, and it was extremely dark out. Darker than night. No moonlight, no stars. Just darkness. I remember thinking I was going to run into something, but I never did. Apparently I'm less of a klutz in my dreams. But it seemed so freeing at the time. Just me and the forest.

But it wasn't just me and the forest. After a while I came to a clearing and Master was there. He was sitting on a rock and asked me what had taken me so long. He smirked and then took off running, out of the clearing and back into the trees. I laughed and chased after Him. Apparently we had been racing this entire time. At least that's what I'm getting from it.

That's all I remember from that one.

Then last night I had one of those dreams that seem like an acid trip gone wrong once you're awake and lucid. But in the dream, while you're having it, it all seems perfectly normal. Never mind people are odd colors, never mind that the sky is purple and all anyone is speaking is gibberish and yet you can understand them all perfectly.

It's fucked up. And when I woke up this morning I was confused for some reason. Like hey, why is everything back to normal? Oh yeah. Cause I'm awake. Duh.

Then again the alarm clock kind of startled me awake. There was no gentle rolling over and turning off the alarm clock. Oh no. I bolted awake, looked around me, and then realized that it was the damn alarm clock.

I hate mornings like that.

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