December 2, 2010

Proud of Myself

This post mainly has to do with my job. So if that bores the hell out of you, you'll probably want to skip this post entirely.

You have been warned.

I have been with the company I work for, for nearly two years now. It'll be two years in March actually. (March is a busy as hell month. There is my birthday, our anniversary, and my work anniversary.)

About four months ago I transferred from my old position with the company, to the one I am currently in. It was kind of a risky move since it was doing a lot more work and was much more complicated. But I was bored out of my skull at my last position. Basically I felt that the only skills I actually needed to do that job were the following:

  1. Read

  2. Write

  3. Type fast

That's it. And let me tell you, it drove me bat shit crazy. I know I'm smarter than that and so when smart(ish) people do those kind of jobs one of a few things happens..

  1. You get extremely bored but figure it's easy enough work so you stick with it.

  2. You get so bored that you literally start to hate your job and think about doing odd things like throwing your monitor at people because that will at least get your brain to function.

  3. You get so bored and/or pissed off with your job that you quit because you just can't take it anymore.

Apparently I'm into lists today. Who knew.

So anyway, I was to the point that I was just mind numbingly bored and wanted out of the position. But I knew I didn't want to leave the company because it's honestly the best place I've ever worked for and in this economy if you are lucky enough to have something like that, you hold onto it for dear life.

So I was looking at one of two options. Either ask for a transfer, or keep my mouth shut and keep the current position. So I had talked to Master about it and He said I should try for a transfer because I had nothing to lose.

So I looked at the current openings in the company and then asked for the transfer. It took a good month and a half to two months to go through. But now I've been doing my current job for four months.

Well exactly a month ago was my 90 day mark at my current position. I didn't really think much of it because I figured all it was going to be was a "this is how you're doing" type thing. No raise or anything. But I still was interested to see how I was doing. So I did look forward to the review.

This morning I got to work and there was an e-mail waiting for me from my supervisor stating that I would be having my 90 day review today at such and such a time.

So I got all excited. I was really interested to see how I was doing in my new job, cause like I said it is a lot of work, and I wanted to make sure I was doing as well as I should be.

So I go into the HR office and meet my supervisor there. My supervisor tells me that I am actually ahead of where I should be and he is very happy that I decided to transfer to his department because I'm an asset to him and his team. He gave me a lot of praise and all I could do was sit there, smile, and tell him thank you. It was so nice to hear and I'm very proud of myself.

So then my supervisor leaves the room and HR asks me to stay. So I sit there and I figure she's going to have me sign something stating that I had my review. But no.

Apparently I did get a raise! In fact I got a $0.30 raise. Rock the fuck on! And I'll be getting another raise in March when I have my two year review. This is awesome!

So I told Master about it and He told me how proud of me He was as well. That made me very happy. I love it when I do something that makes Him proud of me.

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