June 23, 2011

Office Work Injuries

I am starting to get used to wearing the wrist support thing that I bought not that long ago. Master is having me wear it at work (minus my lunch break) and then when I am doing my blog post. Other than that I am to keep it off. That way I am wearing it when my wrist gets the most "punishment" and not when I don't really need it.

It's still kind of weird though. It's the kind with the velcro on it, so I am still trying to figure out the perfect "setting" as it were. Sometimes I get it right off the bat and sometimes I have to fuck with it a little before it is comfortable. If it's too tight then my hand tingles, if it's too loose it just feels weird. It feels like my wrist isn't getting enough support and I'm just wearing this weird uncool glove thing.

But I'll get there. I also have to wear my glasses when I'm at work, again unless it's my lunch break. If I'm reading a book at home sometimes Master will remind me to put them on. Usually that's only if I'm reading for an extended period of time though. He doesn't make me wear them when I'm at the computer at home, usually.

I only need my glasses when I'm on the computer and/or reading for an extended period of time. Well, at work I'm sitting in front of a computer for damn near 8 hours straight. So yeah. Glasses. I don't need them to drive or anything else. For instance, I'm not wearing them now and I'm fine. I can read and it's not a problem. But after a while the words start to get blurry and that gives me a migraine. That's how I found out that I needed glasses in the first place.

So yeah. Now when I'm at the computer at work I get to wear my glasses and my wrist support wrap. Go me! Hell of a fashion statement let me tell ya. At least my wrist wrap is black, so it goes with everything. My glasses? Well I have two pair. One is blue, which are the ones I wear at work the most. The other one are these really cute silver metal framed ones. I don't wear those to work much because I prefer the metal ones and would really hate it if something happened to them at work. Because of that though, I hardly ever wear them. Since I don't have to wear them at home, and I don't wear them when we are out and about, they just kind of... sit there. But to me that's better than them breaking. Plus, I can always wear them every now and again just to get some use out of them.

Thankfully I only need a wrist support wrap for my right hand. I'm sure that's because I'm right handed. So while my left wrist still does a lot of work when I'm typing, it doesn't get much abuse otherwise.

No one has mentioned the wrap at work, which doesn't really surprise me. Quite a few people at my job wear them, including my supervisor. Although his looks like it was prescribed by a doctor. It damn near goes down to his elbow and looks... intricate. That's really the only word I can think of. It has quite a few straps on it, and three pieces of metal (one on each side of the arm and one going  along the bottom of it).

I've also seen people at my job who have never needed glasses before, but now they do. And they are annoyed by it.

So apparently office work slowly forces you to wear glasses (or contacts) and wrist supports. Damn you office work! *shakes fist*

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