June 19, 2011

Finally Admitting To Yourself

You know how sometimes you know something is wrong with you, physically, and that you should probably take care of it but you can't quite bring yourself to do it. Maybe it's something like admitting you need glasses. That is actually a pretty good comparison. When I was about 21 I realized that I couldn't see as well as I used to. I just shrugged it off for a while until it started giving me pretty bad headaches. So I finally broke down and went to the eye doctor. I only needed the lowest prescription you can get, but still. It was necessary.

Well for about the past four months I've noticed how when I've been typing my right wrist would twinge. Slowly but surely that twinge became a dull ache. But it only took about a half hour after I got out of work for it calm down. But for the past month it's hurting every time I type for an extended period of time. The pain would subside but it would hurt much later on when I hadn't been typing at all. Including the weekends, minus my blog post of course.

But it was really starting to bother me. After my blog post yesterday, which honestly didn't take all that long to type out, my wrist was throbbing and I asked Master to work on it a bit. That's pretty bad.

So today I broke down and bought a wrist support wrap. I could have gotten a one that had a mental splint in it. But I need to have at least some mobility in my wrist. At work I have to be able to go through files and dig around in file cabinets. I felt that the metal splint would hinder me and possibly end up hurting me more than help. As in it may hurt when I try to bend it too far in order to do a part of my job and slightly injuring myself.

So instead I went with a wrap. In fact I'm wearing it for the first time right now. And it actually feels pretty good. It will take time to get used to it, but I think it'll work out well.

Before my promotion at work I had to type up to 85 wpm just to keep up with my workflow. I did that for a year and I've had jobs in the past where I had to type a lot at a good rate. In my current position I still have to type but it isn't a matter of "type as fast as you can" situation.

I just don't think my wrist could take that kind of "punishment" anymore. So I'm trying to make it better/easier on myself by getting this wrist wrap. I'll be taking it back and forth between work and home. I will wear it at work all day, minus my lunch break, and then when I'm at home I can wear it when I do my blog post, like right now.

I really hope this works.

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