June 21, 2011


All this past weekend they had been calling for storms. It would maybe drizzle for about 10 minutes and then... nothing. *sigh*

Master and I love storms. We love the rain, the roll of thunder, the sudden cracks of lightning. Oddly enough we find it quite relaxing. Well, except for when the power goes out because the city decided it was a good idea to hang electric wires on poles around a lot of trees that are slowly dying and fall when the wind blows too hard.


But as long as the power stays on, we're very happy.

While I was at work today (I work in a different county than the one I live in) it was storming out there for a good hour or so. Master said it wasn't doing anything at home. So the only thing I could do was hope that it moved East. I love storms, but they aren't as much fun when I'm at work.

By the time I got home there was no storm, no rain. Nope. Clear skies. Damn.

But about a half hour ago the storm started! Sudden cloud bursts, lightning, thunder. It's been wonderful! Master and I have been enjoying it while we sit in the living room. In fact right now it is still raining and a little thunder here and there.

Storms, how I had missed you.

You may think I sound like a crazy person who goes storm chasing. Now, while I may be crazy, I do not chase storms. I don't have the equipment for that. Plus, the price of gas would kill me. Driving all over the country trying to track storms while paying damn near $4 a gallon? Fuck that.

No, I just love it when it storms here at home. Hopefully at least the rain will stay around for a bit longer.

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