September 23, 2010

Mother Nature

She can make up her mind any time now. The past four days it's been in the 60's one day and then in the 80's the next day. Today was one of those days where it was in the 80's. The suckiest part about it is that in the morning, when I'm leaving for work, I have no idea how to dress because it's actually chilly out. But then by mid day it's in the mid to high 80's.

Today I was smart and wore a short sleeved shirt with a zipper up sweater type thing over it. That seemed to work out pretty well actually.

Thankfully tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's and it's supposed to stay that way for a while. Which is great, because I love Fall and just want it to be here already. 80 degree weather is not Fall. Seriously.

Today has been a bit stressful, but thanks to my loving Husband I was able to keep my shit together and now I'm chilled out and relaxed. The details aren't important. Just that He was there, ever supportive, and talking to me in a nice calm voice telling me everything is going to be okay.

I don't think He really knows how much I appreciate that.

The poor guy had one hell of a pressure headache today though, while I was at work. He actually had to lay down and take a nap to get rid of it, and He never takes naps.

I am the nap taker in this relationship. Not Him. So when He says He took a nap I know He wasn't feeling well at all. :-( Poor Master.

I'm still battling a slight headache, but there isn't much to be done about it.

I am very glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am more than ready for the weekend to be here. It's just kind of been a sucky week, and I want to have two days where I can just center myself and focus on my Husband.

A lot of women (vanilla types mostly) that I know would find such a chore. I don't. I mean, it's not always a cake walk or anything.. there are stressful times in my submission to Him. Especially when I'm going through a rough patch mentally and emotionally. But my submission forces me to focus and it centers me, at least when the leash is tight. When the leash is loose I feel all kinds of off and not in a good way.

But Master has been keeping that leash tight lately, and it's helping me a lot. I have a better grip on my thoughts and emotions that I hope shine through, so that He notices it. I think it does. He has commented on it, so that makes me happy. Which is always a good thing. ;-)

I'm just feeling like we're back in our groove, rather than stuck in some kind of a rut. I much prefer the groove over the rut, obviously.

And I know He does as well. So I'm trying to do my part in keeping us in the groove rather than letting myself slip and slide down into that rut that we both hate but sometimes don't know how to get out of.

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