June 2, 2010

Another Day, Another Headache

Work kept me pretty busy today. I really hope I'm not catching Master's summer cold.

Today I've had a headache, my ears have been ringing on and off, and my throat is a little scratchy. I'm praying that it's just allergies. So tonight before I go to bed I'm taking some Benadryl. If nothing else, it'll help me sleep.

When I got home from work, Master, Radar, and I headed right out the door. We went to two different pet stores. The first one is the only pet store close by that sells Radar's dog food. So once we had that, we went to the other pet store because Radar's collar was too big.

Thankfully we found one that fit him much better, and also is kick ass! It is black, with the Jolly Roger on it. :-D Pirate puppy!

Once we got home Master made dinner, while I put Radar's tags on his new collar. Those things are a son of a bitch. It took me over 15 minutes! Gah. Hopefully this is the last time we'll have to change out his collar. This is the fourth one he's had since we adopted him.

The first one was the one he came home with which was already too small for him. The second one ended up ripping his fur out because his fur was getting caught in the o-ring on it, the third one was the one we replaced today simply because it was to big, and now the Jolly Roger collar. (I'm actually kind of glad we had to get a new one. The last one was a simple black collar and when it comes to dog collars I prefer designs on them. Yes, I'm weird. Thank you for noticing.)

And now? Now we're watching South Park and just trying to relax. Master is still sick, although He sounds better than He did yesterday. So hopefully in a few more days He'll be back to normal... well, normal for Him. ;-)

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