February 1, 2010

Not Feeling Well

Last night I tried to go to bed around my usual time. Actually it was about an hour and a half later than that. But I couldn't fall asleep. For the past two days my stomach has been giving me problems, and it's uncomfortable.

So after a while I knew I wasn't going to fall asleep so I went back out into the living room with Master. He asked me what was wrong, and I told Him. He said that maybe I should stay home from work, since I haven't been feeling well for the past two days, and I'm in a constant state of discomfort.

So I weighed the pros and cons of it. And I decided that He was right. If I went to work I probably just would have ended up feeling worse and would have had the rest of the week to get through.

So I called in. The extra sleep helped. My stomach is getting gradually better however. And I will be going to work tomorrow.

The only problem is that I didn't have enough personal time to cover having a whole day out of the office. So I have to talk to my supervisor tomorrow about how things proceed from there. The employee handbook says you have to make that time up. But MZ from my department says that our supervisor doesn't always have us do that. So who knows.

I may have to stay on my half day. But oh well. Things happen.

I'm still not feeling 100%, but not much to be done about it. My body will eventually regulate itself.

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