February 12, 2010

Delayed Reaction

Do you remember that fall I took a couple days back? Well it seems that my body is having a delayed reaction to it. The night it happened it was mainly the back of my head and my left elbow that were bothering me. Now those are fine. It's my left shoulder blade, my lower back, and my hips that are killing me. :-(

But Master looked me over. There are no external bruises or scrapes. However, there may be internal bruising. So I'm going to try and take it easy over the next couple of days.

Last night I was tired, and I knew I had to get up early the next morning. I was going to go to bed, but I knew Master wasn't tired. I was thinking about our talk that we had the night before. One of the things that I had brought up during our discussion was that when He has insomnia, He just stays in the living room, while I go to a cold lonely bed. That is where Him and I differ quite a bit. When I have insomnia I will at the very least walk with Him to the bedroom, and make sure He's settled in before giving Him a kiss and saying goodnight. I basically tuck Him into bed. I know He appreciates it when I do that because He always smiles at me.

Hell, sometimes I'll go to bed with Him, we'll fuck and then either I'm too tired or lazy to get out of bed and so I crash with Him, or I cuddle for a while before excusing myself to the living room so I don't keep Him up.

I told Him I would appreciate it if He would do the same for me. I would like to be tucked in at least. He said that He understood and He was sorry. It's just how He was handling His insomnia.

Well last night He was still suffering from it. But rather than go to the bedroom I asked His permission to sleep on the couch. He granted it. This way He still got to stay up and do what He wanted, but I was still in the same room with Him. I've done this in the past, but hadn't been lately because I was basically dead on my feet and just wanted to go to bed and stay there.

But last night was nice. I slept on the couch until He was ready to go to bed. He woke me up just enough to tell me to go to the bedroom. I got into bed, set my alarm and He was right there next to me, putting His arms around me as I drifted back off to sleep. It made it feel like we were both just settling into bed, together. I was thankful for that.

Work was extremely busy today. It was my coworker's half day. You know, the one that I always complain about? Well lately she has been up to her old tricks of just not wanting to do her work and wanting me to help out. Never mind the fact that I have enough work piling up on my desk.

Anyway, since she was gone and so was my supervisor, I decided to have a little chat with my trainer. I had gone to my supervisor before about this back when the company was in the old building. So I didn't want to go to him again with the same complaint. My trainer agreed, and said that she completely understood where I was coming from. She told me that she might schedule a meeting between her, the coworker, and myself so we can all talk about it, or she might just pull my coworker into a meeting room and discuss it with her herself. Either way is fine with me, I just want it fixed.

I have a feeling my coworker isn't going to be to happy with me. But at this point, I'm past caring. I shouldn't have to suffer because she isn't willing to do her job the way it's supposed to be done.

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