December 18, 2012

Tease and Threaten

There are certain things you can do to keep your relationship healthy. One of those things is to flirt with one another. I know, in the beginning of a relationship it's easy. You do it all the time. But as your relationship gets some years under it's belt that whole flirting with one another thing tends to fall to the side if not disappear all together.

You get complacent. You get comfortable. You figure, hell... they are still here so why should I bother trying? But honestly, in my opinion, that's when you start taking advantage of your relationship.

I wouldn't really say that Master and I go out of our way to make sure we still flirt with one another. I also wouldn't say that it's something we have to really try to do. It comes naturally to us, to this day. We like to let the other one know that yes, we still do find one another highly attractive, that we still love one another very much, and that yes... we still want to fuck each other's brains out.

Actions speak louder than words, this is true. But sometimes words can heighten the anticipation of said actions. It's a wonderful feeling, to both give and receive.

Master and I have an odd way of flirting. We'll tease. Both of us will tease one another. I am in no way, shape or form a cock tease. But we both tease one another by hinting at things we want to do to each other when we know we have to wait for it.

One thing that Master does that I flat out know I could never get away with is that He'll threaten me. This is different from teasing. It's not a threat of punishment or to let me know that I'm in trouble.

This is the kind of threat that lets me know He is in a rather sadistic mood and in the mind frame of wanting to hurt me or push me beyond my limits/comfort zone. This is the kind of flirting that not only turns me on, like the teasing does, but it makes me squirm in a very delicious way. Sometimes it'll even give me goosebumps just thinking about it.

I strongly feel that as a result of our teasing, threats, and groping that we do our relationship stays fresh. It makes sure that we both know how we still love stimulating one another in more than one way. It also makes our sex lives more enjoyable because we're not just doing the actions. We're talking about it and we're flirting with one another.

Have you ever heard of the saying that if you have trouble in the bedroom it will follow you down the hall? And of course the reverse is just as true. So imagine if you put more effort into your relationship either inside the bedroom or out of it, those good things and good feelings will also follow you down the hall.

That's how I see it anyway, as does Master. And it seems to be working out just fine for us.

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