November 25, 2012


Last night after I made the little icon for the 2012 Sex Blogger badge I got this little itch for coding. I have absolutely no idea why since that was not coding at all except for when I replaced the image code. *shrugs*

So what happened? I all of a sudden went on a kick about finding a new template for my blog. I love this one, I really do, which makes me wonder why the hell I thought it would be a good idea to search for a new on in the first place. So I searched, and searched, and searched some more.

Most of the ones I found I just absolutely hated upon sight. Others I loved certain things about them but hated other parts. Then of course there were the ones I found "okay" and some others that I really, really liked but weren't the right colors or layout. Yes, I'm fucking picky! I know. *laughs*

I do not have the coding capabilities to make a really kick ass theme. I just don't. I'm willing to admit this. Plus I don't really have the time/energy to make a complete from scratch rocking template. Ugh. Just no.

So then I go back to my blog after searching for a few hours last night and then a couple of hours again today and I'm looking at it. Then I realize that ya know what? This one fits me. It's the perfect color combination for me and I just... well I've grown attached to it as odd as that may sound.

I've changed templates in the past (some of my long time readers may even remember some of the old ones) and I would get an itch or find some kind of flaw that took me a long time to see or maybe I even just grew tired of it. This one? The itch is kind of there, there are no flaws, and I'm not tired of it.

So why put myself through the hassle and frustration when I honestly love this one and am just trying to feed a small desire to code? Hell, if anything I could just tweak a few lines of code on this.

That's the other thing I thought about. I could totally change the color scheme. Rather than blue/aqua have red or purple. But I don't think it would look right. At least I can't picture it wen I look at the blog as it is now.

But the more I look at this one the more I realize I love it just the way it is. What do you guys/gals think?


  1. Personally, I like the dark grey with aqua. It's easy to read and in your current set up, I know where everything is.

  2. Good points. :-) Thanks! I will be sticking with how it is now. The more I think about it the more it makes sense to just leave everything as it is.
