August 4, 2011

Long Damn Day

Today has been a very long day. First, at work we had to evacuate the building around 9am because there was the smell of burning wires. That's not a good thing. So we're all standing out in the parking lot and we're all hoping that we'll get sent home. Nothing is actually on fire but hey.. burning wires can't be good.

But no. We all had to go back inside. There were two problems. One: The smell of burning wires was very strong for a few hours after that. This made me feel sick to my stomach most of the day. Two: The smell of burning wires was actually the central air motor dying and frying the boards. So now there is no central air. That wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that we don't have any ceiling fans at all. The windows don't open. And we can't keep any of the doors open for security reasons. Fun. So I was sweating a bit and everyone was bitching. Finally someone brought out some standing fans although it didn't do anything to cool off anyone, it at least moved around the air a bit.

That was my work day.

I also got a call from my mother. My grandfather had his heart catheter done today. From what my mother was told his heart is too weak to remove the blockage in his arteries and he needs a pacemaker. I'm sure more news will trickle down to me sooner rather than later but all this just happened today.

I'm hoping he'll be okay, but I also know that for years and years he's been saying he is ready to go see my grandmother.

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