July 15, 2011

Talking and Typing

One thing I have noticed is that when I'm writing to someone about Master, or I'm writing to Master on a non M/s site I actually have to remind myself not to capitalize certain things. Him. You. He. Things like that. I'm honestly not sure if anyone would really notice. They might just think it's a typo of some kind if it only happened every great once and a while. But that's not the case. I have to remind myself all the damn time. It used to be the other way around. In the beginning of all this I had to remind myself to do the capitalization. Eight years later and now I'm having to do the opposite. It's weird.

I'm somewhat used to not calling Him Master or Daddy in front of people who don't know about our dynamic. Or if I do, I try and make it sound sarcastic. Master knows I'm not being sarcastic but I make it sound that way so people don't "catch on" so to speak. So the whole talking thing isn't as bad. I've been doing that the entire eight years. But as far as typing it goes I've mainly done it through direct e-mails to Him or here on my blog. But now we're e-mailing more family and such.. so I have to "re-train" myself to type in a "vanilla" manner.

Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it just me?


  1. I totally do. Or sometimes I'll be talking to somebody that knows about our dynamic and knows us in real life... and I sometimes go to use his alias. I also capitalize the first letter of his name when I'm typing. Which is "D." But you're supposed to do that right? Yeah, no. I do it on any word that starts with a a "D" or a "C" like his alias. He's not big on the whole titles thing unless we're playing but I have a few names that I use for him that he doesn't want others knowing or are a blatant dynamic give away. There are a few people it's not a big deal with but, I have been censoring a lot. Which, when you missed the line for brain to mouth censor is not an easy thing.

  2. I definitely find myself fixing capitalizations re: my Master when writing to vanillas as well...

  3. See that's the other problem I have. I have a hard time typing His name rather than Master. I try to stick with "Husband" but even then I do it with a capital H when it's not "needed". So then I have to go back and fix it. It's irritating because I can't seem to catch myself right away.
