November 6, 2010

Return of the Slut Wear

Sounds like a bad 80's movie doesn't it? Yeah. It kinda does.

Master was taking pictures of our dog this afternoon, and as He was uploading them to the computer He said He wanted new pictures of me. He then mentioned that He wanted me in something totally fuckable.

So that to me means it's time to break out the slut gear again. Don't get me wrong, I've been dressing up for Him, but it hasn't been total slut gear type stuff.

I then mentioned to Master that we should get some pictures of Him. At first He said no. Then He said I could get some pictures of Him and our dog outside tomorrow.

Well that's great, but I was hoping for some sexy pics of Him. I know even if He did let me take them, He probably wouldn't want them online. Which is fine. I want them more for me.

I know He normally scoffs at compliments, or just says thank you. But I think He's sexy as hell. I find Him incredibly attractive. So I wouldn't mind some sexy pics of Him as well.

Who knows. Maybe one day (hopefully soon) He'll allow me, if I promise to never post them. It's odd. He doesn't mind pictures with His cock in it, but other than that He doesn't really care to have pictures of Himself up on this blog. *shrugs* No idea.

So.. it seems like tonight Master is in a picture taking mood. So I'm trying to think of what to wear, how do to my make-up.. things of that nature. Thankfully it's still early, and not like midnight already. So I have some time to get ready.

I'll be heading off to take my bath, shave, and all that shortly.


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