November 25, 2010

Day 1 of 4

Day one of the four day weekend! Thankfully it's going by slowly, and I'm greatly enjoying it.

We haven't done anything kinky. It's been a nice relaxing day. We've watched Netflix, joked around, went online and browsed, joked around some more, ate dinner, and are just generally have had a good day.

I've been wearing one of my favorite pieces of lingerie all day today. It's one of those where the top is attached to this long, flowing, mesh piece that goes down to my ankles.  I love this piece of lingerie. I love it because of the flowing piece. It's the first piece of lingerie I've ever had like it, and I love it.

But today at some point, the long flowing portion got a rip in it. A good sized one at that. :-(

Not sure how it happened. But Master noticed it and said something. I must have looked sad because He quickly said, "Well we can just cut off that part."

He's right. We could. But I don't know if I'll like it as much. I like it so much because it has this long flowing piece to it. It feels very feminine and sexy to me. But without the long flowing piece... well.. then it's just a top.

I'm still wearing it though. I'm going to at least finish wearing it for today and then decide what to do with it, if anything.

Maybe when we have some spare cash I can get another piece that's similar.

Also, it's Thanksgiving. So I'll say that I'm thankful for a nice, long day relaxing with my Husband.

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