November 18, 2010

Apparently It's Too Much To Ask

Okay so next week I get a four day weekend thanks to Thanksgiving. Our office is closed Thursday and Friday next week, which is fucking awesome. The best thing? I still get paid for those days. Rock the fuck on.

So, as I said even before Halloween hit, I wanted that four day weekend to do nothing. I'm totally skipping the usual rounds of family and friends for Thanksgiving. I'd just be doing it again in four weeks, so why not just wait it out until Christmas? Plus I don't really give a shit about Thanksgiving. At all.

So we lied to Master's mother who had already invited us and told her we were going to my grandfathers. Okay. One down.

Then my mom asked and I was totally honest and told her that we were skipping this year. She was cool with it.

My grandfather I didn't have to worry about cause he said he's skipping this year too. Good to go there.

My dad had brought it up but I lied to him and told him that we were going to Master's mother's house. He said he understood. I thought it was all taken care of.

Then my dad calls tonight. He says that since everyone has plans for the actual day of Thanksgiving he was hoping we could get together this Sunday. I told him we couldn't because we already have plans with my brother this Saturday, and that he is spending the night and that he wouldn't be going home until Sunday and I have to work on Monday. Which is all true. He said he understood. Then he asked about next Sunday.

You know, that Sunday which is part of the four days I want to have nothing to do with anyone, in person, besides my kinky Husband? Yeah. That one.

So I hemmed and hawed about it and said it was a possibility. To which my father said was fine, because his girlfriend (gag) might have to work anyway. So he said he'd call us back next week around Friday. Fine by me. Call all you want.

So I get off the phone with my dad and Master says, "I thought we weren't doing anything next weekend?"

So I said, "Well I didn't want to tell him no right away, since it might not even be an issue depending on whether or not his girlfriend has to work."

Please let her have to work.

But then I thought about it a bit and I told Master, "Well plus this way if my dad calls next Friday I can lie and say I'm sick." Which I might just do.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family. I really do. But my dad is all of a sudden wanting to get together more and more, and it's just not something we can really afford gas money wise. Add on top of that Master and I are always making the rounds. And with His side of the family, plus two sides on mine since my parents are divorced.. damn that's a lot of rounds to make in one or two days. No one ever comes to us. Ever. Not that we'd really want to cook dinner for them or anything. But it's just tiring after a while. And in the 7 1/2 years we've been together we've never skipped out on making the rounds for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Christmas I know we can't get out of. Both of our families would have a shit fit and a half. So I figured Thanksgiving was a safer bet.

Plus I've been working hard lately. I just want to enjoy my extended weekend being naked and happy.

Not getting all bundled up to go outside, to drive 45 minutes to spend time with people some of which make me want to throw them through a window and run them over with a car, eat food I really don't want to eat, then drive 45 minutes back home and try to relax. That does not sound fun.

So here's hoping that my dad's girlfriend will have to work next Sunday and we can plan something else that does not involve my four day weekend.

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