October 14, 2013

Snooze Button Not Needed

This whole not sleeping thing is really starting to piss me the hell off. Friday and Saturday nights I sleep great. There is no issue of getting up and down during the night. I don't worry about it. At all.

But Sunday through Thursday I can't sleep for shit. I'm not entirely sure how long this has been going on but it feels like forever. I would say it's been going on for at least four months. I'm not sure why it started. I mean I've had nights like that on and off through just like every once and a while, just like anyone else. But this is bordering on the ridiculous. It's every single night Sunday through Thursday. Some nights are better than others. Maybe I'll only wake up once and have a tiny amount of trouble falling back asleep. Other times, like last night, I wake up four times or more and have a hard time falling back asleep. Mainly I just get into that half awake half asleep state before I fully wake up again just to start the cycle over and over again.

So yeah. That's what happened last night. I think I woke up four or five times. No less than four. I would wake up, roll over to look at the clock, mumble to myself and then turn back over so I'm not staring at the clock anymore and started to drift back off to sleep or some semblance there of.

The last time I woke up and looked at the clock it was 45 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. I tried to go back to sleep. Another 45 minutes sounded really, really good. I closed my eyes and felt like I might drift back off but the next thing I know my eyes snapped open and I was fully awake. I turned over once more to look at the clock and it had only five minutes had passed. Seriously?!

Fine. Fuck it. I made sure my alarm was turned off so it wouldn't wake up Master and then I slowly got out of bed. I half stumbled into the living room and woke up a little bit before I started getting ready for work. The dog was looking at me as if I was insane for already being awake. He also looked like I was bothering him. It was kind of cute. But in the back of my head I was thinking, "At least you can nap later mutt."

Since I got up so damn early I had time to kill before I had to head out. That just seemed to make me more cranky. I hate waiting to leave. It annoys the hell out of me actually. I'm also not a morning person, so that didn't help one little bit. That's why I try to sleep as late as I can on weekdays. That way I'm not waiting in order to go to work. I just get up, get ready, take care of the dog, and head out.

It just wasn't a good start to work day, let alone a Monday. I just may take a Benadryl before bed tonight. I truly do not want to rely on them to get a good night's sleep but I don't really feel like I have much of a choice tonight.

All day I felt tired. But once I got out of work and started running errands I woke up fully once again. And now I'm wide awake. I have a feeling that isn't going to change. It might.

Another reason why it's pissing me off is because then I'll pass out at some point on the couch when I should be enjoying the evening with my Husband. And on the weekends I do the same thing. I'll take naps without even meaning to when I should be enjoying the down time with Him. Part of the reason why I ask to stay up late on weeknights is because I hope to sleep through the night by making myself stay up. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Last night it did not and Master had allowed me to stay up. *sigh*