October 23, 2013


Today is going to be a TMI post. For those of you that don't know what that is it means Too Much Information. But you know what? That's okay. Because it's my blog and if you don't want to read it you don't have to. For some reason I feel the need to blog about it. (For the men who may read this blog.. it has to do with being on the rag. You have been warned. Proceed at your own risk.)

Something happened today that I have always been worried about/feared would happen. Ever since I first started getting my period at the whopping age of 11 years old I've always been afraid that I would forget to use a pad or tampon (depending on my age at the time) and I would bleed heavily with nothing there to soak it up. Well, obviously I knew I was on my period (see last post) so when I went to leave this morning I thought about putting some tampons in my purse but then assured myself that I still had some in my desk drawer at work. After all I always keep some in there. No big deal then. Off I go!

I got all the way to work and once I was clocked in, had my water and coffee on my desk, and grabbed a few things I needed, I realized something. I felt a little slick between my legs. Well, that's not right. I had put a tampon in before I left the house. I was sure of it. So I ran off to the bathroom and brought a new one with me.

And that's when I discovered that I hadn't put one in before I left for work. I know. How in the fuck do you forget something like that?! I had been rushing around all damn morning and I was just barely awake when I went to use the bathroom. So apparently I had taken one out but just never put a new one in. Son of a bitch.

I was bleeding heavily. But somehow, some way, I didn't bleed on my jeans. There wasn't one drop of blood in the jeans themselves. Which is pretty fucking amazing given the fact that I don't wear underwear. It had just gotten to the part when it was about to start dripping out. It had just reached my inner lips. I caught it just in time.

As a result though it took quite some time for me to clean up. It seemed as soon as I sat down in the bathroom it was all dripping out. How the hell that didn't happen on my 45 minute drive to work, while I was walking around the office, or when I sat down at my desk I don't know.

I actually rubbed myself slightly raw by trying to make sure it was cleaned up before I put the new tampon in. After all it's not going to do a lot of good to just put a new one in if I'm not cleaned up. Finally that was done. So I went about my work day. Right before my lunch break I went to grab a new tampon. Couldn't find one. There weren't any in my purse because I had been sure I had some at work. I dug through my desk drawers and guess what? Nothing. Son of a bitch yet again! So, I had to ask one of the other girls in my department. I hate doing that. Hate it. It's embarrassing. Thankfully she had one and the rest of the day went fine.

I'm still a little raw though. And still pissed at myself because that was just fucking stupid. That is the first time I have ever been on the rag and had that happen. There have been times where my period has sneaked up on me by coming early but that is to be expected. This? Stupid. Just plain stupid.

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