August 25, 2013

Bells & Whistles

Master and I have a lot in common. Like insane amounts in common. But there is one thing that we will never see eye to eye on and it drives us both a little nuts sometimes. *laughs* Not like in a we are going to fight over it sort of way, but it just gets on our nerves every once and a while.

Master... is a caveman. Or at least that's what I call Him. And He freely admits to it and is even proud of it. He doesn't really like technology. Well, not advancing technology anyway. And even then, only certain things. I'm sure that makes no sense what so fucking ever so I'll put it this way... Outside of His Xbox 360 and the computer.. He doesn't like a lot of tech stuff. I had to twist His arm to even have a cell phone for a while. And even then He only wanted a cell phone that you could talk on. He didn't want all the bells and whistles. Which is fine. The reason He had one at that time is because of the kind of work He was doing where He would be gone for who knows how long and who knows what time of the day or night. He was pretty much on call 24/7.

Once He was no longer doing that kind of work, we let His cell phone go because He simply didn't want it anymore. He likes the fact that I have a cell phone because He worries about me, especially since I'm driving 45 minutes one way to work. And ever since that one night five or so years ago where I was literally 3 hours late getting home from work due to a blizzard He has wanted me to have a cell phone on me at all times.

But... He doesn't really care for the fact that I want a cell phone with all the bells and whistles. I have a smart phone. I've actually just recently upgraded to it within the last year. He doesn't really even like texting. He feels that a phone should just call people. End of story. Done.

Me? I like my gadgets and my cell phone is my gadget. I love customizing it and playing with it. I like that I can text and talk and surf the internet and play games. I'm just geared towards enjoying tech toys. Master? Not so much. He loves the fact that we have a flat screen TV and He loves His Xbox 360. The computer He is cool with. Anything outside of those three items.. not so much.

It gets on His nerves because I'll kind of focus on my cell phone a little too much sometimes. For instance, I have been nuts about Candy Crush. I honestly have been playing it a lot on my phone. As in basically any chance I get and I have my 5 lives to get through. It's almost addicted to the damn thing. But I promised I wouldn't play it so damn much.

Although today for some reason I've been focused on finding new ringtones for me phone. I'm a little tired of the one I have now. But see, I don't just want a new ring tone. I like the things on my phone to match and have a theme. I want the wallpaper to make sense for the ringtone and for the ringtone to match the text message notification. I'm... weird that way. I have no idea why I'm so obsessive about that but I am. So today I've been searching on and off for a new "theme" for my phone. That annoyed Him because I started doing it while we were watching something together. I still didn't nail it down. I felt bad and stopped after a while.

It drives me a little nuts only because I do enjoy my tech and because Master doesn't He'll gripe about it sometimes and that'll annoy me just like it'll annoy Him that I focus on it.

It's really not a big deal. It just kicked up in my mind because of my searching for a new theme on my phone and I saw how annoyed Master was by it at the time. 

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