June 3, 2012

On Hold

Last night was a lot of fun at the bonfire and Master and I had great sex when we got home. But I have been mildly annoyed because we had plans for the weekend. One fell through right away on Friday, which was annoying enough. The second plan was pushed off and pushed off due to the other people involved and it took until today around noon for it to fully fall through. So one of them went south right away and that was irritating because well, fuck. That sucks. The second one pissed me off more because it did take three days to fall through completely because the other people involved didn't call me back and I would have to keep calling them to see what the hell was going on.

So today I've been irritable. I don't mean to take it out on Master and He told me that I've had a bitchy tone and I honestly haven't meant to.

But there were certain things I did during the work week to make it so we could go through with our plans and I was looking forward to it all week.

When the first one fell through eh, it sucked ass. But when the second one took three fucking days to fall through I was more than annoyed. It makes me feel like the entire weekend was put on hold for nothing. Yes, we went down to the bonfire last night but that was after I called the other people and left a voice mail to call me on my cell. Nothing. I figured they would call me back today. Nope. So I call down there twice, no answer and no return phone call. Finally on the third try I get a hold of them and nope.. sorry... not happening.

I know it's not Master's fault and I am honestly not trying to take it out on Him, although my irritability is apparently showing through more than I thought it was.

The other annoying part of it is that now that the second plan fell through completely I have no idea what the hell I want to do. When I make plans I tend to not worry about what to do in case they backslide. Why? Because normally I don't have to worry about it.

So now I basically don't know what to do with myself and when Master asks me I have no fucking clue. Basically the only things I could think of was watch a movie or sit outside some more.

We were outside earlier and it was just too damn hot so we came in to enjoy the air conditioning. It's only been about an hour and a half to two hours and I'm back to not knowing what to do. My options are limited.

I'm doing my post early to just kind of vent it out. It's nothing Master did and it's nothing I did. It's just.... fucking annoying. Master told me to not let it ruin the rest of my day and I'm trying not to but like I said I had everything lined up perfectly and for it to feel like I had been waiting three days to just find out.. nope. Yeah. It sucks ass.

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