December 22, 2011

Ready, Set, Go

Well, the holidays are right around the corner. As a result, this whole week has been figuring out what time we're going where. Master and I do not host for any holiday. It's easier, and preferable, to just go to other people.

So, Saturday around 4pm we're going to His mother's. The problem is she doesn't know what time dinner is going to be ready. So we have the very real possibility of being there for two hours before we eat. That wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that we then stay for an hour or two to be polite and then suddenly when we bring up the fact that we should get home, she brings up the fact, out of no where, that there is dessert. Again, to be polite we stay and eat that. Then we stay a bit longer to again not be rude. So normally, when we go down to her place at 4pm we aren't getting out of there until 9pm and we have a 45 minute drive home. So Saturday is most likely going to be a long night. But hopefully it'll be more like last year where we actually had a decent time rather than the norm which is to be pissed off the minute we walk out the door. *fingers crossed*

Then Sunday is my family's turn. First, we're going to my mother's. We are in no way, shape or form worried about that. It's relaxed at my mother's.

Then comes my father. It's not him I'm that worried about it's his bitch of a girlfriend. But see, Master, my brother and I came up with a plan. My brother isn't looking forward to going to our dad's place either. Well, my brother's sons are being dropped off at three for him to spend time with them on Christmas. So, what we're going to end up doing is Master and I will go to my mom's and have a good time for a few hours. Then, we'll take my brother over to our dad's house. He'll act as another buffer in terms of our dad's girlfriend. We basically want to seriously outnumber the bitch so maybe she'll keep her fool mouth shut. Then, since his sons are being dropped off at three, we'll have an excuse to leave and take him home.

I don't want to sound cruel, but it is what it is. I enjoy spending time with my dad most of the time, but his girlfriend makes it so that no one really looks forward to going over there anymore. And you can't get the two of them apart. We'll spend a couple of hours and then take my brother home and go home ourselves.

That's the game plan.


  1. His mom sounds like a lot of the relatives in my family.

    That moment when you think you can bid everyone adieu without seeming rude or rushed, only to be caught off guard with a concealed dessert...It's fucking heartbreaking sometimes! :D
