July 21, 2013

Ups & Downs

I have been trying to stay away from stress and work posts. I really, really have. But right now, I just need to get this one out of my head and onto a screen. 

This weekend has had it's ups and downs. Friday was all over the fucking place. Yesterday was relaxing. Today? Again, all over the place. Nothing really happened today honestly, to make it go up and down. It's simply the fact that we allowed ourselves to realize how much some of the car repairs are going to cost us. She needs a couple more things done right now. However, they have to be put off until we have the funds up.

Which means, not right now. Which also means we'll be taking it as easy on the car as we can. However, I still have to take her to and from work. Work is a forty-five minute drive one way. Nothing like putting a shit ton more wear and tear on your car when you know shit needs to be done on it.

I've already had a talk with the passenger in my carpool about chipping more in for gas before, right after a different repair was done. I wasn't trying to charge him for the fix on my car, honestly. But when we were all carpooling with a different person the amount she was charging included gas and extra wear and tear on the vehicle. She then told us what she thought was fair. So we paid it.

Well, what dude is paying me right now isn't even covering half the gas most of the time. If gas prices dip for a little while, then yes. It's about half. But since gas prices have been where they are for a while now, it's not even half. So I had asked for an extra $5 a week. He said he couldn't swing it. Trust me, I understand tight finances. I truly do. But then don't come back around and tell me you and your wife are going on a two week vacation in Florida.

I'm stuck though. I could cut him from the carpool entirely, and have it just be me, but then I don't have any help what so ever with gas. I'd rather have something than nothing I guess is the way to put it. And if I pressure him again I have a feeling he'll just find a different way to and from work even though I never can.

I've been applying to different jobs, looking for ones closer to home or at least on a bus route so I don't have to keep taking the car every single day but no call backs yet. Well, I take that back. I've had responses from fly by night companies and commission only jobs. There were one or two legit hourly pay jobs contact me but they are further out than what my current job is, so what sense does that make? None.

So right now, we save up and get it done as soon as we can and cross our fingers until then.

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