July 15, 2013

Damn You Netflix

Master and I have Netflix. We get one DVD in the mail at a time and we have streaming. Streaming is fucking awesome. Sometimes though we find a TV series that we get absolutely hooked on. That's not a bad thing really. The problem comes in when we only want to watch that whenever we turn on Netflix.

Again it's not really a bad thing, but then we burn through it and before you know it, we've watched 5 seasons of a kick ass TV series and then... it's over. And we wait. And wait. And wait some more for them to release the next season. And since Netflix doesn't always release it to streaming as soon as the season is done on cable, it can take a long fucking time.

It happened with Doctor Who. It happened with Borgia. It happened with Sons of Anarchy. And of course a lot more, I just can't think of them right now.

Currently our obsession is Storm Chasers. Holy shit is this a good show! We never learn our lesson though.. We're burning through it again. We're on the third season right now, which is the last season available on Netflix. I don't know if that's the last season in general.

Hopefully we'll find a new obsession for a TV series on Netflix right after this one.

I know damn well that if Master had the TIV 2 from that show He would totally be a storm chaser. And I would be freaking the fuck out. I most likely would not go with Him, just because I'm afraid I would freak out and possibly put us/Him in danger because of it. But I'd also be sitting at home that entire two months wondering if He was okay and possibly having an anxiety attack for the entire two months.

Thankfully He does not have a TIV 2 and as a result I don't have to worry about it.

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