June 25, 2013


Master and I were talking about my blog for a few minutes prior to my doing this post. I had asked Him what I should post about. He said He had no idea. Well, neither do I. So, I asked Him if He still found this blog useful.

It all started off with a hand written journal. We only saw each other twice a week for the first two years of our relationship due to the distance between us. Oh, and He would sleep over one night a month. It sucked, but what are ya gonna do? If You want to make it work you take what you can get and make the best of it. The hand written journal was so He could read what had been on my mind during the rest of the week, when He wasn't there. It gave Him more of an insight. Plus we had just started the dynamic as well as the relationship. We were in the early stages of both.

When we started living together it was still a hand written journal. It wasn't until we were married that it went from a hand written journal to a blog. Part of the reason why is because it's easier for me to do. It's also easier for Him to read. We were running out of room to put the hand written journals too.

Things still come across my mind that deal with the dynamic and my thoughts and feelings. But lately it's been day to day shit, work, and stress.

That's it.

And it sucks. But at the same time there isn't really a lot going on where I need to post about the dynamic itself. When it was all ups and downs before I was medicated it helped us both. A lot actually. But I'm "stable" now and haven't questioned our dynamic since being medicated.

His answer to my question was that He does find it useful when it's about my thoughts and feelings. But when it's the day to day shit, no He does not. And I understand that. Just as I don't really find it useful unless I'm venting, pouring out my thoughts, or writing about really incredible sex. (The sex thing is just so I can mentally relive it...)

Does that mean this blog is coming down? No. Does that mean I'll be posting less? No. Master has not said I can go down from posting every day, so unless He tells me I don't have to post or I ask permission to skip it and He grants it... I'll continue to post everyday.

I hope I stumble onto an interesting topic soon.

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