June 7, 2013

Good Start to the Weekend

Today after work I stopped off at home just long enough to pick up Master and call my dad to let him know we were heading down. We had fun while we were there. We took some more pictures for my dad's eBay stuff and shot the shit for a while.

After we left I dropped Master back off at home so he could take the dog out and feed him while I ran out and got dinner. It just seemed a lot easier to get drive thru rather than going out to a sit down restaurant or hitting the grocery store. I mean, we have food in the house, but we had both agreed that none of it really sounded all that great. So fuck it. Fast food it is.

After dinner we were trying to figure out what to do so I suggested that we go sit out on the porch for a while as the weather was finally nice enough to do so. It's been so up and down lately. Tonight it was really nice out so I'm glad we sat outside for a a bit.

While we were out there Master had mentioned taking the dog for a walk tomorrow and that immediately made me remember that we wanted to get him a little doggy backpack so he could feel like he had a job or a mission while he is on his longer walks. And with that thought, we decided to go to the pet store and see what they had.

Well, they had a dog backpack but it wasn't really what we were looking for. It looked like two very small saddlebags attached by nylon. We are looking for the kind of back pack that actually lays across his back and has bags on the side of it to put water bottles and things of that nature.

That was a bust. We didn't really feel like driving to a different pet store tonight though, so we put that idea on the back burner.

And just to show that we have fucked up thought processes, while we were out we decided to go to the porn store. It's been a while since we bought a new porno, so hey.. why not. I'm sure we'll watch it later this weekend, if we don't pop it in tonight.

It's been a good Friday.

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