June 12, 2013

Love / Hate

I have sort of this love/hate relationship going on with my blog right now. I mean, I love my blog. I've put a lot of time and energy into it. I've changed how it looks several times. I've actually spent hours trying to find templates that I love and think fit. And more time tweaking it. I've moved the blog a couple of times too. This is actually the blog's third home.

It started six years ago here on Blogger. But then, for some reason, I switched to Word Press for a while. I honestly don't remember why. And then I moved it back to Blogger again. I know why I switched back. Word Press was putting too many restrictions on what I could and couldn't post. No ads. No links affiliate links. Etc. And I was paying extra just so I could control how my blog looked! Oh, and then there was the time they literally locked my blog. I couldn't access it at all and they had taken it down so no one could even see the damn thing.

Why? Because someone had sent in a complaint that my blog was too raunchy. Well, fucking hello I had it marked as adult themed, just like this one is. I actually had to call their customer service to get it all squared away. So yeah. Blogger it is. They don't take my blog down, they don't care what I post about as long as my blog is labeled adult themed and I can make it look anyway I want to for free. Fuck you Word Press.

Anyway, now that I have that mini rant out of the way.. The reason why I have a love/hate relationship with my blog currently is because aside from some of my recent posts I feel like I'm just talking about work and stress and work and stress.

I don't really have anything on my mind dynamic wise. I'm being good and doing what I'm supposed to. Master's grip on the leash isn't loose to the point of it being uncomfortable for me. I've posted about everything before as far as thoughts go anyway. I know a lot of people don't dig through the archives to go read those. But I know they are there. I know that I'm pretty much saying the same shit again.

Basically, unless it's a highlight or kinky hot sex... doing my posts just seem kind of whatever lately. It's still a requirement, which is why I do it. And it's not like I'm mad about having to do the posts. It's just okay... So what do I want to post about today? And it ends up being rambling. Like I said, I've had some good posts lately. But aside from highlights and kinky sex... it's been ramblings.

Hell, when I was first diagnosed with being bipolar I posted a lot about that. But that is pretty well managed and haven't have a serious issue since being properly medicated. Some hiccups here and there but nothing major.

So yeah....


  1. No biggie! I know your Master said to blog at least every other night (I believe) but maybe a hiatus would be good. For myself, I know I never could blog as often as you do.

    Something fun I used to do was ask my former Master for blog 'assignments' on which he'd 'grade' me. It wasn't anything major, more of a tool to help him understand my point of view and thought processes on kinky things, and vanilla too, better. Maybe you could do something like that?

  2. Master has me blog every night. There are times where He will either tell me that I may skip a post, or I will ask to skip it and He either allows it or tells me to do it anyway.

    Master used to give me blog assignments as well. But now we run into that whole.. it's been done as a post before problem, ya know? I really appreciate your advice though!

  3. Absolutely! I understand! You're still awesome no matter what you blog about!
