June 19, 2013

Damn Neck

Today is not a good day as far as my fibromyalgia goes. For the past day or so my neck has been a bit stiff. Nothing unusual there. But today it has been worse. It's not quite to the point where I'm worried that it's going to get stuck. It feels like it's just before that point. This has happened before and I've been able to stop it.

It doesn't help that I sit at a desk for 8+ hours a day. It's not so much because I'm staring at a computer. It's more that I'm staring at the computer screen and having to keep turning my neck and looking down to look at files or paperwork. That's all my neck is doing most of the day. Turning slightly and looking down. Ugh.

So I've been having to place pressure on the left side of my neck. Either right smack dab in the middle of the left side or just behind the ear on the left side. It's all that really makes it feel better when it gets to be too much. I've also been rolling my neck quite a bit just so it doesn't get too tight.

While we were watching The Exorcist III tonight after dinner I had to lay down with my neck propped up. It feels a little bit better right now. Still tight and stiff though.

I know some of you may be thinking to yourself that maybe I shouldn't be on a computer right now. But honestly, if I just lay down and keep still it hurts more after a while. Also, since I'm at home I don't have to keep so focused on anything and can move around so my neck isn't in one position too long. For example as I'm typing this I keep stretching my neck, rolling it, and looking around for the hell of it.

Hopefully it'll feel better tomorrow.

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