February 19, 2013


Unconditional. Sometimes I don't think people actually understand what that word means. Why do I think that? Mainly because of how it's thrown about. That's right people. I've been reading FetLife again.

The perfect example: "My slavery is unconditional."

Really? Are you sure about that? So, if your Master beat the hell out of you so badly that it landed you in the emergency room and sent you into a coma, against your will and it was not an accident, your first thought upon waking up would be, "How can I best serve Master?"

If he ran around on you behind your back, without it being part of the agreement, came home and gave you a very serious STD, you would continue to serve under him?

Maybe they think it makes them sound like the best slave ever. "OMG! I'm like so totally committed to my Master. You don't even know. I would totally do like anything he ever asked of me. And you know that I so do not care what he does or how he treats me."

*gag* I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

Come on people.

I try to be the best slave I can be to Him. Just as I try to be the best wife I can be to Him.

Now, does that mean I can put on blinders and not react in a negative manner when He does something damaging to me? To our relationship?

Hell to the no.

I love Him. He is my mate. I know this deep down in the very essence of my being. However, that does not mean that I cannot be hurt. It does not mean that my heart cannot be broken.

So, I responded to a post that had to do with this exact subject.
"To me it is conditional on the fact that we still love, trust and respect one another. We do not 'plan for the end'. We don't think about such things. But I have to be honest and state that if those three things were no longer in place there would be no slavery or marriage."
Those are my conditions. Three very simple conditions.

I'm not saying that every M/s relationship or even a regular marriage has the same conditions as I do. But these are mine. And they are His too. He has conditions. He's the Master, of course He has conditions. But just because I'm His slave doesn't mean I cannot have my own. He knows this and He completely agrees with me.



  1. I've thought about this a lot in my life, not in terms of master/slave, but in terms of commited relationships. My LOVE for my partner is unconditional. I love him completely... everything about him and the person he is. But my commitment to the relationship is not. If he hurt me or started to treat me badly, I would not stay in the relationship. My love for him wouldn't change, but our relationship would end. I don't know how that would translate into a master/slave relationship because I've never had one and I can't relate fully to the dynamic. But I agree with you that everyone has conditions and limits. I just don't think it's possible not to.

  2. It's been awhile since I've read something that I agree with more than this! I would do just about anything for my Love but at the point that I am being damaged and my well being is at risk then I can no longer serve in that capacity. Love, trust, and respect are the most important things for our relationship to thrive. This is not to say that we won't have our difficulties and differences just because we have those three things but having those three things in place means we can get through those hardships and meet in the middle on our differences.

  3. Erin: I understand where you are coming from on that one. I appreciate you putting in your two cents. :-)

    Thekinkybutton: Thank you for chiming in as well! I love how you put that, I completely agree.
