April 22, 2011

Maybe, Maybe Not

This Sunday is Easter. To Master and I it's not a big deal at all. It's just another Sunday. And as many of you have probably noticed over the years, I prefer being as lazy as possible on Sundays. I like to relax, maybe run a couple of errands and just pretty much do nothing but chill the hell out.

My job isn't physically demanding usually, but it can be mentally draining. And so I use my Sunday to unwind and enjoy not having to think overly much. Sometimes being lazy on a Sunday is not an option. Other things happen. Family or friends want to get together and that's the only day they can do it. It sucks but depending on the people involved I don't mind as much.

However, in the eight years Master and I have been together neither of our families have wanted to get together on Easter. My family just straight doesn't give a fuck about it. We have two major holidays in my family. Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now while Master and I are not Christian, we still do the Christmas thing because at this point after being raised Catholic (Master) or Lutheran (me) the normal thing to do is to get together with your family, exchange gifts, eat food and just enjoy spending time together. Thanksgiving? Well in my family that's just an excuse to get together and eat. That's about it. We don't pray, we don't give thanks for anything, we just talk and eat. End of story.

But this year my mother-in-law had to fuck up the program by asking us to come over for Easter. She wants us there by 1:30pm and is making a ham and a turkey. Why? I have no idea. There will only be five people there and yes that includes Master and myself. Now Master and I both know the time she tells us dinner will be ready means somewhere between two to three hours later is when the food will actually be ready.

Now I know that she is talking about dinner being ready at 4:30pm. Now, that means the best possible scenario is that we'll be eating at 6:30pm. And then we'll stay a while after so we don't seem rude. And then out of no where she'll "remember" she has dessert for us too. So we eat again. And stay a bit longer, again not to seem rude. So I'm guessing that we probably won't be getting out of there until 8 to 9pm. That's not too bad but then we have a 40 minute drive home. I then have to take my shower and be in bed shortly there after so I can go to work in the morning.

Master and I both loathe going to His mother's house. So I know for a fact that it's not just me.

There have been times where my family gets together and I agree to go but Master decides He wants to stay home. No big deal. The only time I've gotten upset about it is when it was Thanksgiving. It was one year that Master just was in a foul mood and wanted to stay home. It wasn't so much that it was Thanksgiving, it was more the fact that it was one of the two big ones for my family. But I got over it.

I've told Master I'm thinking about staying home on Sunday, and just Him going down to His mother's. He doesn't care one way or the other. I have never once missed anything with His side of the family unless I haven't been invited. There were a few times where in between husbands His mom just wanted to have lunch with Him. No biggie. But other than that, I've gone every time. I try to be a good wife and buffer the barbs that His mother is famous for throwing at Him.

But I'm just sitting here going, "It's fucking Easter. You've never found it important to have us over before, but now suddenly it's a family thing. What the hell?"

Master feels the same way. The only reason He is considering it is because it'll shut her up for a few months about seeing us. He has already said He will allow me to stay home on Sunday. He knows that I try to avoid such things on Sundays and He knows I work hard all week.

I just can't seem to make up my mind about it. On one hand I want to stay home so I can relax and be lazy and not deal with her. On the other hand I don't want Him coming home pissed off more than usual after getting home from His mother's because she was nagging in His ear that I didn't show up. I've already given Him a lie to tell her. I'm home with a really bad migraine and could barely stand light in the apartment let alone a 40 minute car ride. She knows I get bad migraines, so it's believable.

I think I won't be able to make up my mind on it until Sunday, see how I feel about the subject that day and then decide.

Another bonus of me staying home? Master might not have to stay as long.. you know cause He has a wife at home that He has to check on and help take care of the dog. ;-)

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