August 13, 2012

Force of Habit

You know how rules can turn into habits? I mean yes, you can still fuck them up (the wallet is a good example) but they just come automatically most of the time.

I just noticed something today that made me think of this.

When I drive the car I have to pull the driver's seat up pretty close to the steering wheel because I'm short as hell. Master on the other hand is a fucking giant and so needs the seat all the way back. So, when I'm done driving the car I put the seat all the way back again. Why? Because normally when we go somewhere Master is the one driving. So my automatic reaction to shutting the car off is to move the seat back so in case He leaves or we go somewhere together it's back for Him.

Admittedly I have fucked this up before by just having a brain fart and Master will go out to the car and have to reach down to put the seat back. There is no way in hell He would be able to sit in the seat and then move it back. Like I said, I'm short and He's a giant. When I do forget He just kind of looks at me and says, "Really?" to which I immediately apologize.

Normally I do remember though.

Well for about the past three weeks or so I've had to take over the carpool for my job. As a result that means I'm driving the car every work day back and forth. I don't know why I just noticed it today but when I park the car at work I am automatically reaching down and pushing the seat all the way back. Then when I get out of work I of course have to put it back to where I can comfortably reach the pedals.

Like I said I've been doing this for three weeks now, five days a week. So why I noticed it today, I have no idea.

But when I got in the car to go home I reached down to put the seat where I need it and it struck me. Why the fuck did I move it back in the first place? It's not like Master is going to walk out to my job (which is a 45 minute drive from our house) to grab the car and go for a drive.

Even though I noticed it, how much you want to bet I do it again tomorrow?

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