March 19, 2012

Flying High

For a Monday today was not a bad day. Then again I was still flying high from the weekend. I had a very relaxing and fun weekend. And ya know what? We didn't even go anywhere unless it was an errand. We just sat around the apartment relaxing, talking, joking around, watching things on Netflix and fucking. That was the extent of our weekend and it was awesome. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy. Rest, relaxation, sex and quality time with my Husband and I'm good to go.

This week I only have a four day work week. Our anniversary is this Wednesday and I of course have to work. Well, to make up for that I took Friday off. After all, it's a milestone anniversary if you just go by the wedding. We got married on our "regular" anniversary to keep things simple and it made a lot of sense to us.

So, as of Wednesday we'll have been together for nine years and married for five of them. Like I said, if you go by the wedding anniversary it's a milestone anniversary.

I know a lot of people look at five years of marriage and go, "Pft. That ain't nothing."

Yes, yes it is. Especially in this day and age where so many people are getting married and then getting divorced in two years or less. Not to mention not only are we still married, we're still happily married, which is even better.

Tonight is going to be another night of just relaxing with the sliding glass door open a crack and the fans on to circulate the air. It's so nice to not have the heat on and to be able to let in fresh air.

I'm just in a really, really good mood.

I haven't felt this relaxed in quite some time. My muscles aren't as tense, my brain doesn't feel fried and I don't feel exhausted. *happy dance*

Now I just have three more days of work and then a three day weekend with my Master!

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