March 9, 2012


My fibromyalgia is still acting up. If anything it's a little worse today. But I took a nice hot bath while reading a book. That was rather relaxing and now I have two days to try and get my body to chill the hell out.

It's supposed to be a lot warmer tomorrow, which is great! The down side to this weekend? We have to set the clocks ahead an hour on Sunday. I hate daylight savings. I don't want to give up my hour damnit! It always takes forever and a day for me to get used to that, especially in the morning when my alarm goes off. It always seems like I set it incorrectly and no, it's not possibly time to get up. *sigh* Oh well.

This weekend is, for the most part, going to be relaxing. I'm not sure about how tomorrow evening is going to go.

My mother-in-law invited us over for dinner tomorrow to celebrate my birthday a little late and our anniversary a little early. At least it's a two in one deal so we don't have to worry about trying to make plans with her again in a couple of weeks.

Lately, it's been a 50/50 shot at how it's going to go. Either it's going to be kinda fun and not so bad or it's going to be drama central and we'll leave pissed off. Personally, I'm hoping for the first option.

But like Master said last night, at least it gets it out of the way and we don't have to worry about it for a while. It's kind of sad that that's how we have to look at it. But, that's how it is and probably always will be.

At least His father's side of the family is relaxed and fun to hang out with. We haven't seen them in a little while now. I'm hoping, as the weather gets nicer, that we can plan something with that side of the family that doesn't involve just sitting in a restaurant. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sitting down and eating and talking but that's all we've really done with that side of the family so far. Mainly because it's difficult to get everyone's schedules to line up. But maybe during the summer it'll be easier to get to see them since we don't necessarily have to go out to eat. We can just visit them at their place or meet up at a park or whatever. I can hope anyway. I enjoy spending time with His father's side of the family. I seem to fit right in with them, much like Master fits right in with my family.

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