March 3, 2012

Visit With Mom

Today was a great day. We went down to my mother's and visited for a while. Part of the reason we went down there is because tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be 29. And of course a mom wants to see her kid close to his or her birthday. Plus, we like spending time with her.

We sat and shot the shit for a while with her and her husband. They were both really excited because they just bought a car yesterday. I was excited for them too. And of course, since it's my birthday tomorrow Mom wanted to give me something. Never mind she already bought me work clothes at Goodwill not that all long ago. But it's not like she went and bought me anything elaborate. Rather than that she told me she wanted to take us grocery shopping. Hell yes! Saving money on groceries is awesome!

But before we went to the grocery store she had us pull into the gas station and put $20 in our gas tank. Again, fucking awesome!

Trust me, groceries and gas in the car are rocking birthday presents. I'm not being sarcastic in any way, shape or form. I love how practical my mother is. I'll be 29 and she buys me work clothes, groceries and gas. I love her.

I think Master sees why I hardly ever want anything for presents. I prefer practical shit. *laughs* Don't get me wrong I enjoy receiving a gift that isn't practical every now and then but I'm always happy with stuff like I just described above.

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