March 29, 2012

Mania Is Better Than Caffeine

You know how I was wondering how the fuck I wasn't worn the hell out? Well, that continued into the night. Eventually I just laid down on the couch with my throw blanket and drifted off to sleep while watching TV with Master. I don't know how long He allowed me to sleep there. I do remember that He eventually did wake me up and I drifted off to the bedroom and got comfortable, immediately falling asleep once my head hit the pillow.

This morning I got up at my normal week day time. But even with that when the alarm went off I wanted to just throw it across the room and pull the blanket over my head and keep sleeping. Unfortunately I knew I couldn't do that.

I was feeling pretty groggy when out of nowhere around 10am I got very fucking hyper. It was like going from 0 to 10 in the time it takes you to snap your fingers. I just had to keep moving somehow. I was sitting at a desk working so there wasn't a lot I could do. But I would just kind of move my head a little and tap my foot against the floor. Anything to just move. I couldn't sit still and for some really weird reason hard rock and heavy metal songs were going through my head so that made me want to move more. I actually started lightly humming the songs I was hearing in my head. Thankfully no one heard me.

I stayed that way for most of the afternoon. It wasn't until about 3pm that I was able to relax into more of a normal mood.

I'm not really used to that sudden feeling of mania anymore. I've only ever had one energy drink at a time but that feeling, I think, would be like having five energy drinks and drinking them like they are shots and feeling it all kick in at once.

Even though I couldn't sit still I was extremely focused and knocking my work out. It felt like I got more done today than I did yesterday when I worked damn near 11 hours.

Normally though after a fit of mania like that I feel incredibly drained afterward. But not today. When it started to wear off I felt normal. I didn't feel tired or drained. I'm still feeling pretty good and it's almost 8pm. So if I do crash I don't think it'll be until late tonight.

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