February 20, 2012


Okay, about the last post.. I know that financially it's not going to really pan out. It did last time because of how paychecks landed and we had a cushion. *shrugs* That whole I deserve two weeks off thing is true though. I really do feel that I've earned two weeks off straight. Then again, who doesn't? I know it's not going to happen. The main thing about the whole two weeks notice thing is advance notice. Even if a new job allows me to start two weeks later I could just work through that and not say a thing. I don't want to fuck them over, I honestly don't. But, I do know of some really good employees that gave two weeks notice and were told to just go ahead and leave. That would suck. That would mean I would be out of work two weeks, when I needed the money, and it probably wouldn't look good to go to the new employer and go, "Um. Yeah. I can start Monday."

That conversation would go over well. "Yeah, I told them I could give two weeks and they told me to leave. But I'm a good worker! Honest!"

I guess I'll just go with my gut instinct. I think that I'll probably give advance notice. I just worry a lot. I know. It's how I am.

Sometimes when I write here it's just to get thoughts out of my head. It doesn't always mean that's what I'm actually going to do. It's a lot of what if's and maybes. I do appreciate the feedback though! I just wanted to clarify a bit.

Today I took the car to work. The driver of the carpool had off for the morning. So I picked up the other person in the carpool and took us to work. It was nice because I was dictating when I left. And it was even nicer when I was on my way home. The driver had her own car of course and the other guy hitched a ride with her instead of me.

As a result, I just hopped in the car and left. I didn't have to wait for the other two to get out to the car. I didn't have to walk the entire building to get to the car because since it's my car I parked by my section of the building. The best thing though was that I could just quickly hit a couple stores on the way home without having to be dropped off at home first. That just sucks. I get dropped off at home to just leave. But somethings either I want to do or Master didn't have the car for errands, so things need to get done when I get home and there is no use in pushing it to the weekend.

This is another reason why I want a job closer to home. I like the freedom of just being able to go. Or if I need to do overtime I don't have to go by another person's schedule or have to cut my lunch extremely short just so I can catch up. I can just call home and tell Master I'm going to be an hour late. I mean yeah, I could stay an hour or two late but then I'm paying the carpool driver and putting more gas in our car. That just doesn't make sense.

Hell, even if I'm taking the bus I just have to know the times and routes to make sure that I can catch a bus when I need to. I could still do overtime, or if I wanted to leave early that day I could rather than having to go through the whole driving situation listed above.

There is no bus out to my current job or I would just be doing that. So it's either pay the carpool driver and put more gas in our car or just start taking our car all the time. Trust me, that would be even more expensive.

I'm basically sick of being in a carpool. I did it with this job and my last one. I had to be on a schedule that wasn't my own and sometimes get last minute updates as to whether or not I have a ride or if a I do it's only there or back, rather than both.

I'm still nervous but also kind of excited about looking for a new job. Although I was thinking about it today at work during my break... It was about the clothing. When my mother took me shopping I only bought black and grey clothing. I love them because they mix and match so damn easily. That, and I love wearing black. (No, I'm not goth or emo.)

So I have decided that when I go shopping for business clothing I'm only buying a few select colors. Black (yes I know that's not technically a color), grey, dark blue, dark red and dark purple. I prefer darker colors. If I keep it simple it'll be easier to mix and match clothing so they look like different outfits without having to have 20 different full outfits. Mixing and matching is cheaper and to me, more interesting.


  1. I'm the same way... I worry a lot about "what ifs" and get myself all worked up! But I think you should just try to relax and enjoy the search for the new job. And when it comes time to deal with these questions, here's the thing to remember... the people who want to hire you are human beings who have probably been in similar positions at some point during their lives. If they offer you the position and want to discuss a start date, you will not be the first person who ever says "I'd like to give two weeks notice to my employer, but if they don't accept it (which I've seen them do before), would it be possible to start immediately or would I still need to wait the two weeks?" It doesn't look bad on you. It looks GOOD because you are willing to give that notice. And if your employer was sick of you and wanted you gone, they would have fired you... so if they tell you "just leave", it's clear to everyone (including your new employer) that it's not a matter of your worth as an employee. It's bitterness because you're leaving. Everyone has seen that happen before. I promise, your new employer (who wants you and has already offered you a position) is not going to say "wait, they got upset and told you to leave? Oh, then you must suck, forget it." They're going to say "okay, no problem, you can start on Monday." Or maybe you'll still need to wait 2 weeks, which would suck for you financially (but yay for 2 weeks off!). But you won't lose the job over that.

    And, of course, you're right - not every employer gives you that option. If they need you to start immediately, and it's a job you want, then it might suck for your current employer, but that's too bad. You need to do what you need to do!

    Oh, and I don't think there's anyone who disagrees that you deserve 2 weeks off. Of course you do! You are obviously a very responsible hard worker and a good person. If you weren't, you wouldn't even be thinking about these things... you'd just bail. I think that says a lot about you. A new employer will be very lucky to get you.

  2. Wow. :-) Thank you very, very much. I couldn't agree with everything you said more. Although, I still worry. ;-)

  3. If you give two weeks notice and they tell you not to come in, they have to keep paying you, from what I understand. NOW, that might not be true if you are hourly as opposed to salaried, but it's something to look into in your area. I know that's true here in PA.

  4. I know that here that is not true, and I am hourly. :-(
