November 14, 2013


Today, apparently, is just a continuation of yesterday's bullshit. Hell, maybe it even stepped up it's game to make yesterday seem like it wasn't all that bad.

Today just kept the punches coming, that's for damn sure. You know my medication is working when I know damn well I would have completely broken down without it. Don't get me wrong, I am in fact stressed out. Not as bad as it could be. But it's there.

It started with Master having to drive all over hell and creation. He had to take me to work because He needed the car. Then while I was at work He had to do the things He needed to do, which of course were in the middle of the day. Then He had to pick me up.

So, lets see here. He had to drive me out 45 minutes and then another 45 minutes back home. He had to wait about 4 1/2 hours before He could go where He needed to go. So let's say that was another 60 minutes worth of driving round trip. Once that was done it was too early to come pick me up. Then He's sitting at home for about 3 hours before coming to get me.

As I said, He drove all over hell and creation. And, to add to that, His appointment didn't go well at all.

I had a shit day at work. I was busting my ass, even more so than usual. So I was tired and just sore. But then add to the fact that 40 minutes before I clock out my fucking supervisor sends me an e-mail asking me why such-and-such wasn't done. So I take a look at what he's talking about and I got pissed. Why? Because I'm not behind on it at all and in fact it wasn't on my to do list until tomorrow. So why the fuck are you bugging me about it today, let alone at the end of my day.

So I said fuck it, I'll work on it tomorrow.

By the time Master and I were in the car to go home neither of us were in that good of a mood. He vented and I vented. We didn't fight. We didn't get pissy with each other. We were just venting about outside things pissing us the hell off.

We decided to try and make it easier on ourselves and just get fast food for dinner. Yeah. That didn't turn out that great either. It took forever to get the food and then when we got home the fries were just warm and the burgers were pretty much the same. Great. We just paid for lukewarm food.

There we are eating and go to turn on Netflix and for whatever fucked up reason they completely revamped how their set-up is and it is fucking ugly, difficult to navigate through, and just something we don't even really want anymore. We don't have cable, which is why we were using Netflix to begin with. And aside from Netflix there is no other service that allows streaming of both movies and TV shows. It's either one or the other. I want both otherwise it's not worth my time.

I called to see how much it would cost to add cable to our phone and internet package and it's actually not as badly priced as I thought it would be. But we want time to think about it. Master has never wanted cable mainly because He hates commercials and He doesn't think He'll use enough of the channels in order to warrant having cable. *shrugs* We'll figure something out one way or another.

All that put both of us in an even worse mood. What a lovely way to spend a Thursday. Right now we are both decompressing and trying to salvage the rest of the night.


  1. It sounds like your boss is starting to build a paper trail to let you go. He documents via email & official reports about you getting behind on your work so he has the documentation HR needs to have you terminated with cause.

    Be sure to respond politely over email, telling him how you've spent your day, and asking whether or not this should be moved to higher priority over something else. This will cover you in this exchange.

  2. Agree with the other commenter. Definitely kick up your job search because it sounds like they're planning on letting you go. Given the history there, I'm sure it doesn't totally shock you. Unfortunately some companies are more interested in cutting costs (i.e. getting rid of higher paid, longer term workers in favor of new blood with lower salaries) than they are with making sure they have good quality workers and decent office morale. I'm sorry you're having to go through this, it must be horribly stressful. Good luck!

  3. Thank you both very much and I completely agree with you. I tossed out at least 23 job applications yesterday alone.
