September 6, 2013

Increased Dosage

The remainder of last night went without any further images, thankfully. I was worried that the 300 milligrams would mess with me like it did before but I still wanted to fool around. So about a half hour before I was going to take the pills I asked Master if we could go fool around. And so we did. And it was fucking awesome. *grins*

Afterwards it was about time for me to take the pills. I was still a little nervous about it but I took them. It was about a half hour before my bedtime and by the time it was time for me to go to bed I didn't experience any of the drunk feeling or double vision problems that I had when I was on that dosage before. But I am glad that I only took it a half hour before bed. I don't know if it would have happened within another hour or so.

I slept great though. When I got up this morning there was a note from Master telling me to keep Him updated throughout my day. I wrote Him back and promised Him I would.

I actually woke up in a pretty good mood. And as the day went on it just got better, which is rather odd since I was at work and it was a typical stressful day. But I remained in a good mood. If anything I was hyper.

On my lunch break I sent Master a message to let Him know. He appreciated it and was glad to hear it. No images today. At all. It was all smiles and a good mood and feeling a little goofy due to my being hyper.

I've been very talkative. Again just part of my being a bit hyper. And as a result I'm feeling a little tired now. My mood is still up but when I'm hyper it tires me out a little. So right now I'm just sitting here doing my blog post and listening to random songs on You Tube, dancing in my chair a little bit.

I was thinking about it today though. My medication situation I mean. I'm 30 now and half way to my 31st birthday. All the women in my family hit menopause young. Not my age but by the time they are 35 it starts to kick in. And I almost wonder if the fact that my body chemistry is changing now that I'm a tiny bit older, it's effecting the fact that the low dose I was on before isn't able to keep up. And just the fact that adding 75 milligrams to my dosage is what is keeping me in a good mood. The sex helped, don't get me wrong.

But to go from having horrifying images burst through my mind yesterday to being slightly elated today catches my attention. I told Master that maybe that is all I needed, an upped dosage.

I have an appointment with my shrink a week from today. And as long as these results continue I'll tell him my thoughts on it. I would honestly rather up my dosage of what I'm currently on, rather than changing to a totally different medication. This medication has been working for 3 years. If all I have to do is keep it at 300 milligrams I'm more than happy to do so. I just wouldn't change from taking the pills right before bed. So on the weekends when Master allows me to stay up late I won't take it at 11pm, simply because I don't want to feel that way and have to go to bed during one of the only times during the week I don't have to go to bed before midnight.

So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all I needed was a larger dose of what I'm currently on.

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