July 5, 2014

Can't -vs- Won't

(Another post done after midnight... So... this is the 07/04/14 post.)

Last night I wanted to write to get some shit out of my head. However, it wasn't something that I felt comfortable blogging about. It's not inappropriate. It's not anything like that. It was just not something I wanted to share with the world wide web. And I also hate making "private" posts. You know.. The ones that you have to type a password into in order to read it. Those, to me, if you have a public blog, don't make a lot of sense. I'm not judging anyone and honestly I thought about making a "private" post to get it all out of my head because I'm faster at typing than I am writing something out by hand. But I decided against it.

I wrote it all down and then I went to soak in the tub and read for a bit just to get some tension out of my neck that has been bothering me for four days. Due to issues with my neck and shoulders it can get to the point where my neck locks in one position. Thankfully that hasn't happened yet and I am doing everything I can for it not to happen aside from getting muscle relaxers. I am trying to avoid that. Soaking in the tub can help a lot. And last night it did relieve some of the discomfort, thankfully.

Due to what I wrote down and what Master and I had been talking about the past few days I woke up this morning feeling like I needed to get something pinned down as either a definite yes or no answer.

It was very last minute but we got it figured out and it is honestly a huge weight off of my chest to know the answer.

Yes, I know I am being extremely vague but that's all I'm willing to share.

If that's the case why am I blogging about it at all. Right?

Because I can and because it is a relief. Also, I needed to do a post tonight anyway so I might as well do it about this even if I can't really go into much about it. Well, I can but I won't. And I know that Master will not be upset with me about it. We have discussed it and we both feel a bit better now. And He knows why I am being vague.

Even though I am not going into detail I honestly feel better just by typing out the little bit I have.


  1. I'm glad that you got whatever you needed sorted.

    If I haven't suggested it before, you might want to consider picking up some Epsom salts to mix in the bath when you're trying to reduce pain/relax muscles. A foot bath using Epsom salts also works (it's all about the body absorbing magnesium better/faster through skin than supplements), but if you're already taking a bath, no reason not to add them in. The one thing is that for a bath you really should use about 2 cups of Epsom salts and soak at least 15-20 minutes. I get similar neck-locks and have pain similar to fibro and I was shocked how much it helped once I knew to use such a large amount of the salts. It doesn't matter if the salts are scented or not (I buy unscented because they're cheaper and if I want scent, I can add scent to it). I apologize if I've said this before, but I wanted to make sure I said it since it's a relatively inexpensive way to add some extra benefits to the bath. (I generally buy from a pharmacy or Target/other box store in the biggest container they sell, but it just struck me that it may be possible to buy a bigger amount at a better value online.)

    1. Thank you for the suggestion. My neck is feeling a bit better thankfully. Maybe I'll try that out next time. :)
