July 26, 2014

Tired Broken Record

The weather has been fucking with me today. I went down to my mother's to help her run a rummage sale. One minute I was chilly and the next minute I felt warm and sticky (not in a fun way) because suddenly it was very, very muggy. It would only feel chilly when the wind picked up and of course that seemed to be coming in sudden bursts out of no where. It also doesn't help that it feels like it is going to rain, but the weather doesn't say anything about it and it was supposed to rain last night but didn't.

Fuck you weather.com. You lying son of a whore.

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. It was mostly that in and out kind of sleep where you are never completely asleep. Then again my stomach absolutely hated me most of the night last night so it's no wonder I didn't sleep well.

I've been taking naps shortly after dinner the past few nights. Why? Not sure. Most likely stress. There is just too much on both of our minds and as a result at night I'm sleeping like shit but then I feel drained through the day and take a nap. Rinse and repeat. So far today I haven't taken a nap. Then again it's still pretty early and I got a lot of fresh air today.

Right now I feel the beginnings of a migraine coming on but tonight is the night I'm supposed to do a blog post so I figured that I might as well get it done before it turns into a full blown migraine.

There are really no actual updates and typing out anything else on my mind would be nothing but repeating myself like a damn broken record. I just keep waiting for the day that I actually have some good news. Hopefully it's soon.

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