March 1, 2014

Broken Record

Yesterday was the last day my insurance was valid so I was glad that I could squeeze in one last appointment with my shrink. We spoke about ways to keep my medication going without costing me an arm and a leg. He gave me some paperwork so I can contact the manufacturer of the medication. They have a program where you can get the medicine at no cost if you qualify. Well, since I just lost my job and I no longer have insurance, my shrink thinks I have a pretty good chance at getting it. He had already filled out his portion, which had to include a six month prescription. So now all I have to do is fill out my portion and mail it in. My shrink told me to come see him again in six months. He didn't make a set appointment with me because we both wanted to see when I would find a job and have insurance kick in so we know what insurance is and is not going to cover. Basically he told me to call once it gets close to the six month and we'll go from there.

Master had read my blog post from two nights ago and He said He isn't surprised by how well I'm handling everything. He said He is proud of me though. That made me feel good.

Even though I'm not going to bed until about 3am each night I still have this feeling like I have to get up to go to work. For instance, it's Saturday and I feel like I have to get up at 6am on Monday. Obviously I don't. Hopefully it won't stay like that for long. Hopefully I'll have a new job in the very near future.

I'm tossing out my resume like it's going out of style. I hadn't heard anything from the place that I had an interview at on Monday. They had said they would have a decision by the end of the week. I was staring at my phone all day willing it to ring. Nothing.

I was disappointed but part of me is still holding out hope. That may be stupid, but I don't care. So last night I sent an e-mail to the person I had the interview with and basically thanked her for the interview and professionally inquired as to whether or not a decision had been made regarding the job. My mother had suggested that I called and asked, but I thought an e-mail would be better. It just seemed more professional to me for some reason. I guess maybe I feel that it isn't as bothersome to the other person? Also, I don't have to worry about playing phone tag.

I know this blog has been all about work, unemployment, etc and so on. But honestly that's all that has been swimming around in my head since last Thursday. I'm sure it's boring to read but writing about it is helping me in a way. I guess it just acts as something to blurt it out on so I'm not keeping it in my brain or sounding like a completely broken record when talking to people. Instead, I can be a broken record on my blog.

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