October 2, 2014

What The Hell Body?!

There isn't much to report. For the past three days, including today, I have been sore all over. Unfortunately it's not from anything fun or exciting. I've just been waking up with my body aching from the base of my head down to my hip line. It sometimes also goes down into my upper legs. I have no idea why. I'm not sick and it's not very cold out. Actually it's been unseasonably warm lately.

The lowest it has gotten is in the low 50's and that was a fluke apparently because the rest of the time has been in the mid 60's to the mid 70's.

It only seems to get worse as the day goes by. There is really no rhyme or reason to it. I'm not doing a lot in so far as physical labor or anything. I pretty much just do things around the house and then run a couple of errands. Yay or something.

Master has been incredibly sweet and has given me a back rub the past two nights to try and help. It really does but then within a couple of hours it's just right back where it use to be. The couple of hours of relief are awesome though. I think it would be a lot worse if He hadn't worked on my back. Especially along my hip line.

I think that part is due to the fact that my period should be starting soon. I don't get a lot of actual cramps. I mean I do get cramps, but most of the pain comes from my lower back right along my hips and the tail bone.

The rest of the body doesn't make sense though. The only thing I can compare it to is when I have the flu. That is really the only time my entire body aches. I don't have a cough or even a sniffle going on. What the hell body?!

In other news, the healing from my four teeth being extracted is going really well. All of the stitches are gone. My gums are still sensitive but it is getting better everyday. I'm almost eating normally now. It has only been a week as of today so honestly I'm really surprised about how quickly the healing process has been. I'm very thankful that I didn't get dry socket and I am far beyond the point where I could get it. I really only needed the prescription strength pain killers for the first day which is awesome.

Next week Friday I have to go see my shrink. I'm honestly a little overdue for an appointment with him. But situations as they are it has been difficult to plan anything in advance until very recently. I know it will go well but now that we've moved the shrink's office is an additional hour away. Oh well. It's only twice a year and eventually it will get to once a year from what my shrink told me.


  1. Can I just tell you how proud I am of you (as much as a random stranger's comments mean) for having the strength and fortitude to keep on with your mental health the way you have? Even though things have been rocky lately, you seem to know what you need, and you talk about certain things so candidly that, for some people, would seem taboo. I admire that, and I'm really happy for you. Best wishes! <3

    1. Thank you. *smiles* I'm doing the best that I can and Master is doing the best He can to help me with all of this.
