January 15, 2014

Young & Not So Dumb

Master has always teased me that He got me young so He could train me early. I was 20 years old when we started dating and He was three months shy of being 28 years old. There are mixed thoughts about our age difference as far as other people are concerned. Not that it matters at all but it is still somewhat interesting. And I'm not strictly referring to our dynamic, although we have received comments about such in the past. So let's start off with the easy stuff. The "normal" relationship that everyone sees. No one in my family has a problem with the age difference. I think my dad, when he first found out, was actually pretty happy about it. I think he felt that because Master is older He can protect me better. And that is something my father is all about. Someone being able to back me up and if need be take over. Basically whatever it takes to make sure I'm safe, happy, and healthy.

My mother never really commented on it. Neither did my brother. In fact sometimes my brother completely forgets the fact that Master is older than me. My grandfather has made comments about it but they are all  little jokes here and there and are just poking fun at us. We don't get offended by it and find it funny.

Master's dad has absolutely no problem with it. Apparently he has a similar age difference in his current marriage. His brother and sisters don't even blink at it and neither does His sister-in-law.

His mother had a problem with it at first. She really did. She thought I was going to leave Him when He got "too old" as she put it. But now? She doesn't say anything about it because her current husband is younger than her. Not as much of an age gap mind you but it's there.

Our friends, past and present, have always kind of looked at Master with a mental high five. I'm not saying that based on looks or anything like that but simply because He has a younger chick on His arm. I've always found it amusing and so has He.

In regards to the dynamic.. to me it makes perfect sense. Both in gender and in age difference, not to mention size. I'm not saying anything against women at all. Not one bit. I just think a male makes more sense as the leader. I'm not knocking anyone or their kink this is just how I see it and it's mainly because I could never see myself submitting to a woman willingly. If Master made me, and He did once, then yeah. Of course. But I wouldn't volunteer for it. I want to know that the orders can be backed physically. That's also where His height really plays into it for me.

I do remember a few times when we actually attempted to get active in the local "scene" as it were. Yeah. It didn't go so well. We tried a few different times at different points in our relationship and each time it fell flat rather quickly. Some of it was just guys trying to convince Master to let them have alone time with me to put me through my paces. That was a good way to piss Him off. He didn't start off hot headed about it. He would decline but each time they wouldn't drop the subject at which point He became more agitated.

There were several people though who basically said I was too young to be a slave. That Master was taking advantage of the fact that I was young and didn't know any better. Know any better than what exactly? They never really said. They accused Him of not allowing me to get old enough to make an educated decision about it. They told Him that He was a cradle robber. Right in front of me. It was bad enough saying that at all but then to act like I wasn't even in the room and to talk about me as if I was a dumb young kid... that really pissed me off.  I may have been young but I wasn't a kid and I sure as fuck wasn't stupid.

Never mind the fact that He didn't drag me kicking and screaming into this. I was as excited about it as He was. I always knew, and still know, that if I really truly wanted this dynamic to end it would end. I've thought that I wanted that in the past, before I was medicated. I would hit one hell of a mood swing and would just want the collar off and want it off immediately. But as soon as it was off I would cry and cry and beg Him to put it back on.

Since being properly medicated, which is for a few years now, I've never once asked for the dynamic to go away. I don't think I ever will. Never say never. I don't want to jinx anything here, so I'll just say I don't see it going that way at any point.

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