January 2, 2014

Stress Relief

Today was extremely stressful for me. It had snowed most of the day yesterday but it wasn't snowing this morning and when I looked outside the streets seemed pretty clear. Just a little bit of slush. I left for work at 6:50am. Normally when I leave at that time I'll get to work a little after 7:30am. I start at 8am so I get there every day about a half hour early. I like to make sure that I get to work on time and preferably early even if I'm not clocking in early. Why? Well, the traffic is usually better for one. Another is that I hate being late to work. It makes my day seemed so damned rushed and makes me feel anxious. Well today I didn't get to work until 8:17am. So a drive that normally takes me 40 minutes took me a hour and twenty fucking minutes.

The roads were mostly clear. It was just slush, like I said. I was still driving carefully, don't get me wrong there. But after a certain point it all became gridlocked. The interstate was extremely backed up. It didn't make any sense.

Well apparently at the exact exit I needed there was an accident. What was stupid was that both cars were in the emergency lane. There was no glass. It looked like one slammed on their brakes and the other didn't stop in time. So how does one small ass accident like that back up the entire west bound side of the interstate?! Who the fuck knows.

I was pissed by the time I got to work and clocked in. Like I said I hate being late to work. And sure as shit I felt rushed as hell. I literally spend the entire last four and a half hours of my work day working on three fucking things. Why? Because my supervisor was riding my ass about it. I'm already back logged and now you want me to strictly concentrate on three things and three things only? Fuck you very much.

But I set it all aside and kept him updated. I kept him updated to the point that I actually think I was annoying him a little bit. But hey.. you told me to keep you updated so here ya go! Plus I was covering my own ass. So yeah.

The drive home was better but I still had a couple of stops to make which seemed to take forever when in fact they didn't take long at all.

When I finally walked in the door I got a great big hug from Master and I immediately smiled. That didn't stop me from venting though. *laughs* It's not like He minded. He knows I need to vent and encourages it so that I don't try and keep it bottled up without meaning to.

As the night has gone on I feel much more relaxed. I've been goofing around with Him and we've been laughing. I love unwinding with Him. He knows how to make me laugh and honestly allows me to get away with just a little bit more, in so far as picking on Him, when He knows I've had a really rough day.

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