May 7, 2012

Secret Library

Master and I just got done watching a rather odd yet interesting movie. I guess you would call it a horror movie. It's called "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark".

Well, in this movie there is a very old house and at one point they find a hollow wall and breakthrough to discover that there is an old basement. There are gardens everywhere and odd paintings and woodcarvings. It's just an interesting looking house.

This movie made me think about when I was a kid and I always thought it would be so cool to live in an old mansion style house and find secret libraries and secret rooms. I would dream about a never ending mystery to the house. I would find something new wherever I looked. I would keep the rooms my secrets so that they were mine and mine alone. Especially the old libraries.

Of course as a child I never really realized how expensive an old as hell house would be, let alone the fact that there probably wouldn't be any secret rooms even if I did buy a house like that.

But when I was a kid I would tell myself that one day I would own an old house with a lot of land and gardens with odd sculptures and the gardens would be mostly overgrown. Why overgrown? I have no idea. Probably because it seemed more magical to me at the time.

I would just walk for hours in the gardens and go into my secret library to read and no one would know where I was.

I've always wanted a room that was nothing but a library. The kind of library that has those ladders on wheels so you can move around the room to the different books. I always pictured the library having nothing but old leather bound books where you couldn't really read the titles anymore because they were so old and read so many times. It would have a huge bay window that was large enough that it would have a raised couch that attached to the walls so you could lay down and read if you wanted to. I would lay there reading and enjoy the sun as it came through the stained glass windows and hear the birds as they made their nests.

I use to picture all of this in great detail as a child. I would tell my grandmother and she told me that she always wanted a library like that too.

I told my dad and he told me that it would never happen, they are too expensive. Of course as a child I had no idea what houses cost. I figured I could get one if I wanted to.

My mother would just smile and ask me small questions as I babbled on about it.

Now as an adult, the thought of owning a huge old house makes me go into practical mode rather quickly.

It would be too expensive to own. The property tax alone would kill me. The heating, water and electric bills would be absolutely insane.

You know, that kind of thinking.

But the library idea? I would still love that, practical or not.


  1. I love that library idea, I also have a dream of having a big aquarium of saltwater fish and corals set into the wall. :)

  2. One of my friends has a house that is pretty much one big library. Every single room has built-in bookcases on most, if not all, walls. They're organised by genre, as well. So there's the mystery room, the science fiction room, and romance novels are in the bathroom. I think it's taken him years to set it all up, but it's one of those houses that I've felt comfortable in since the first time I was there. (He used to work in publishing which is probably one of the reasons he has so many books because there are always free books to be had when you're in publishing.)

    One thing, though, is that even if a big old house isn't practical now, who knows about the future. I know plenty of people who always wanted one, but couldn't make it a reality until they were late 30s or older. I suspect of our generation, everyone will be moving into the big old houses just in time to need stair lifts to safely get up and down the stairs ;-)

  3. That would be awesome! I would love a house like that! (Although the romance novels in the bathroom is kinda odd... lol)
